Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Love Dragon

Well, I suppose it’s time for the big reveal on our little dragon ‘family’. It’s difficult to comprehend how this purple big boy came out of that second egg. 

You'll get to see a closeup of those
critters at lower right...

Again, you'll see more detail below...

Because Arcturus is sweet and lovable, but not terribly graceful, Bordeaux brought in a nursemaid to help watch over little Crystal until she comes closer to matching her brother’s size. Or day I say, half brother? Surely they have two different fathers.

I won’t judge though. Nor will I ask. Dragon society is secretive and sacred, and taboo for mere mortals to question. ~snicker~ My imagination is on hyper-drive these days.

Crystal, in the care of Matilda the Worm
Did you know Arcturus is a red giant star in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth's sky and the brightest star in the constellation Boötes (the herdsman)? Back to the silly side, are you familiar with "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"? In that fictional universe, a famous phrase states, "However fast the body travels, the soul travels at the speed of an Arcturan megacamel."



  1. Surely, the world needs more dragons, so taking care of their offspring is paramount!

  2. I'm well-versed in SEP fields...

    1. Yes, you are. :) I may be asking assistance on mama dragon's behalf.

  3. Such a beautiful dragon family :)

  4. I've known a few who was in to dragon

  5. Replies
    1. I'm such a goofball. ~nods~ You're kind to comment on my silliness.

  6. I love your "Dragon Society Imagination"!!!! If ever we need "Flights of Fancy Fun," it is now!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you so much,
    for your sweet comment,
    on "Clara."

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. And Clara's passing saddens me. Losing pets is hard. Take care, my dear.

  7. I'm thinking Crystal may eat the nursemaid quite soon. The worm looks tasty, even to me. I would free those dragons now, so later on, they don't become filled with bitter memories and turn their flame on you.

  8. I left a comment or thought I did but as I tried blogger decided it was a good time to make me sign back in....actually I think its the crap ATT mess I am dealing with. Anyway, my comment was~ put on a mask, keep 6 feet distance and go have some human contact!

    1. No, thanks. ;) I'm quite comfortable in my fantasy world. Be well!


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