I would be devastated if some prankster smashed these... |
I’ll make an effort to display them through a front window. Meanwhile, I hope to try growing more colors as shown below. The one problem is having enough space for their vines. My husband joked about buying a patch of farmland and I am starting to think we should look into it.
I could buy 3 packs of seeds for the cost of 1 of these... |
Before processing my first one, Terra had to investigate. In other words, she decided to provide an adorable photo bomb.
“I’m all you need for fall decoration, Mom.” |
Last but not least, here is a video my husband discovered. If you think octopuses are creepy, feel free to skip. They sure are smart. It’s a true shame most species only live two years.
Does your area provide community garden spaces? Should I see if any neighbors would be willing to invest in some land?