Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Pumpkins – & – Lucy the Octopus

As our growing season winds down I’m happy to have harvested four Jarrahdale pumpkins. They are more gray than blue but much like those seen at a garden center last autumn. These last three will be indoor décor until winter, when I’ll process them for foodstuffs.

I would be devastated if some prankster smashed these...


I’ll make an effort to display them through a front window. Meanwhile, I hope to try growing more colors as shown below. The one problem is having enough space for their vines. My husband joked about buying a patch of farmland and I am starting to think we should look into it.
I could buy 3 packs of seeds for the cost of 1 of these...

Before processing my first one, Terra had to investigate. In other words, she decided to provide an adorable photo bomb.
“I’m all you need for fall decoration, Mom.”

Last but not least, here is a video my husband discovered. If you think octopuses are creepy, feel free to skip. They sure are smart. It’s a true shame most species only live two years.

Does your area provide community garden spaces? Should I see if any neighbors would be willing to invest in some land?


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Neighborly Neighbors

Blogger friend Pam kindly nudged me on never having posted about something I had essentially promised. So here are a few examples. A young couple bought the house next door and they are both sweet as the day is long. 

The dear lady is rather addicted to an online auction site, bidding on items more for the rush of winning than purchasing things they need or especially want. She gifted me a restaurant quality patio umbrella and this cool garden arch.

Her husband said they like how I used colored duct tape on the support bars, as well as my solar powered neon flamingos...

The gal across from us gives me things from their salvaging expeditions, like an entire box of artificial sweetener. One of her friends is equally kindhearted. The other day she ran over and gave me a mummified garden gnome plushy.

By the way, I am having format issues, so let me ask here what I should name this fellow. And have you ever seen Halloween themed gnomes?


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Garden Duty

As the title suggests, gardening has kept me busy, both outdoors and in the kitchen. Starting vegetables from seed has proven a huge success and provided the joyous challenge of preservation. It’s also a pleasure sharing with those who often reciprocate in their own way.

(More on neighborlyness later)

My pumpkin plants are doing well. However, it didn’t occur to me that last year’s squash bug infestation would emerge from the same plot for a similar feast. ~shakes head~ The following video shows one silly misadventure.

The yield continues being awesome. There are more tomatoes, peppers, and pumpkins coming to fruit.

I am happy these innards are not stringy...

... as seeds were easily separated for roasting.

I harvested my second blue pumpkin today. It’s being left to cure/dry in our cool cellar.


Did you know pumpkins are really difficult to hand process for foodstuff? Do you think I should save all the next for display?

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Why Our Carpet Looks Awful

This house, built in 1978, has all original carpet as far as we know. My husband and I had one bathroom and the kitchen renovated years ago, plus new entryway flooring installed. Outside is another story altogether. Anyway, the following illustrates why we’ve left the carpet alone.

While I make grooming attempts, Terra and Polly wrestling gets the job done better. Check this out…

I must be clear that we’d rather have our silly kitties than a neat and tidy house. They are well behaved felines with only the expected issues.

Meanwhile, Dandelion is a long legged female with great strength. We think she never enjoyed a proper kittenhood before we took her in. By the way, my husband doesn’t know she’s shredded anything but cat furniture.

Look at those pink ear tips as she
surveys her efforts...

Do you prefer rugs and carpeting? If not, what is your favorite flooring material?


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Human Quirks

We all are red blooded and weird in our own ways. Liz A covered this in her post about fascinating human aspects.

A strange phobia has plagued me since before I can remember. My mother, having heard her little girl screaming, found me staring at the backyard play swing blowing crazily in the wind. I later stopped enjoying my grandparents’ front porch if anyone or thing made the bench swing sway askew.

Discovering others with my phobia comforted me a few years ago. Much later, however, my husband saw my face turn ashen at sight of a swirling indoor grocery store sign. He thought I was about to have a stroke. Laughing about it now, I make sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat there and keep my eyes lowered in known trigger areas.

I have it easy compared to some folks disturbed by dangling jewelry and even their own hair blowing in the wind. In addition, fixed objects such as vertical blinds don’t trigger my anxiety and my mind conjures ocean wave sounds during high winds. This 2015 blog post and the commentary in particular provided additional insight into my hating unexpected loud sounds.

Do you suffer any unusual anxieties? If so, have you found relief?


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Seriously Silly & Silly Seriousness

When I shared finding a huge bargain on cut flowers, a kind comment from Andrew reminded me my lack of clarity. Each bunch consisted of a single coloration, so my tricolor bouquet would have cost $24 (USD) while I paid one eighth (!) that price. And in addition, Jungle Jim’s market had a sale on white button mushrooms. One of the tasty fungi made me giggle before I sliced, diced, and fried them up.

Putting the butt in button... ~shakes head~ Sorry
Did you know that the common white mushroom I photographed is an immature version of the more expensive crimini and portabello varieties? By the way, dear Mariette, please correct me if I’m wrong. If you are a mushroom culinary aficionado, do you prefer milder or more earthy flavors?


Friday, August 2, 2024

Bargain Finds – Flowers and Fungi

I know not everyone enjoys the taste/texture of mushrooms. My husband and I adore all varieties. Shiitakes are a favorite for cooking but tend to be expensive.

Growing in My Yard; I Dare Not Taste It

To our joy, we found shiitakes sold for a reasonable price at the international Jungle Jim’s market in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Dried versions in a distant aisle were even less expensive by weight. However, we were happy with our fresh, more familiar find in the produce section.

While he ordered lunch at the indoor sandwich shop I went to wash my hands and found a ridiculous markdown on cut flowers. Originally priced at $7.99 (US), these bunches were being offered at 99 cents each. Petals fell off as I trimmed stems and put the flowers in a vase but they remain festive.
They had been painted, of course...

Do you think any average person nowadays could justify spending eight dollars for something so ephemeral? And are your local stores having huge sales on items they can’t sell otherwise?


Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Cute Visitor to My Yard

Warning: if crickets give you the creeps, give this three second video below a skip. Should I have named this little critter Jiminy?


