Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Three Nice Surprises

The title tells what I shall explain. First, my husband’s debilitating pain has subsided; he is even driving himself to physical therapy and other doctor visits. What a relief for us both. Taking care of everything left me with a niggling case of tendonitis in my right elbow.

Then extended use of my left arm caused annoying if slight muscle pain around that scapula. Minor queasiness accompanied the frustrating sensation. While it’s happened exactly the same several times in my lifetime, healing takes longer at the age of 55 and I’ve been struggling for many weeks. But enough whining… Here’s my surprise win:

Knowing the grass needed mowing and weeds pulled yesterday, I finally took pain medication, something I avoid whenever possible. What a shock; all this activity didn’t bring greater hurt the next morning. I even managed to lift weights today.

Thirdly, I looked up bald eagle nest cameras online. This Pennsylvania pair has three (!) healthy nestlings. That’s a rare event.
When both parents are gone, one
eaglet always seems alert...

Do you follow any live webcams? Are there numerous raptors where you live?


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

One Wild Bird and Six Pet Kitty Names

Our kind friend Strayer expressed interest in video I took during my riverside walk. Here are two, in fact. ~grin~ The first shows a very determined crane on the hunt. I’m impressed by how still they can stand even near raging waters.
Then I must have gotten too close, which made me feel bad. At least I got to see its majestic flight.
On her blog, Pam shared a cute game in which you try to describe a pet’s name without declaring it outright. I just had to join the fun. I’ll start with the three sweethearts we’ve lost over the last decade, listing each in order of their arrival into our hearts and home. Of course each is listed under my blog’s labels but I’ll put the answers below…

Our Earth’s moon in Latin
Actresses Meg and Jennifer
The wicked wife of Israeli King Ahab
The Earth, ‘firma’
Who wants a cracker?
A prolific yellow flowering weed

Do you think the bird recognized my predatory ocular orientation? And since cats are both predator and prey, why don’t they have a second set of eyes on the sides of their heads?

Here are the girls’ names:


Monday, April 15, 2024

A Day Out and About

I was fascinated to find this derelict power station being dismantled. It’s been out of service a long time.
It looks like Pripyat to me...

Just before midnight must have been set on purpose...

Heavy rains washed debris across the riverside trail like I’ve never seen. At least flash floods weren’t a threat this day.

Water levels remained high. The nearby damn is like a waterfall.

Busy with domestics duties I fell behind reading blogs, let alone posting. I have a rather neat (at least to me) video from that day.

Aren’t interactions with fellow bloggers some of the best? What are you up to these days?


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Oh, Hail, No!

Wednesday, my husband and I planned lunching out. As the primary driver I don’t mind most weather. With possible hail forecasted, however, we agreed to stay home and not risk vehicle damage.

Today (Thursday) our lawn needed mowing so badly that I decided to brave the light rain indicated on my smart phone app. I kept going until the raindrops turned to hail.

Those little ice balls sting! At least I managed to finish the job between downpours. It’s not unprecedented for me as I’ve planted spring flowering bulbs in bad weather many autumns.

Are you a plant fan? Have you ever worked in torrential rain?

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Gone With the Wind

My area of Southwest Ohio in the United States has been pummeled the last few days by heavy rains interspersed with sunshine. In preparation I wore a waterproof fedora to the grocery store this afternoon. Exiting, I almost lost it when a gust of wind took hold of the brim. Lucky for me, it didn’t get far. Not only useful, the hat was a thoughtful gift from my deceased mother many, many years ago.

Later I walked near our home’s front windows at the perfect time to see a snippet of rainbow. It was the widest band of colors I’d ever seen. Unfortunately, the glimpse passed before I could grab a camera. Ah, well. I’m sure rainstorms this summer will provide many such beautiful sights. And I’m thankful for spotting it.

Do rainbows appear often, or at all, where you live? Have you ever seen the American film “Gone With the Wind”?


Monday, April 1, 2024

Adolescent Humor for April Fool’s Day

My husband and I enjoy Youtube videos by a man whose moniker is Lock Picking Lawyer. His content is brief and serious as he demonstrates most lock manufacturers’ utter lack of integrity and their flawed products.

Every April first my husband and I look forward to his salacious comedic videos. This year he demonstrated how wrenches obliterate locks and his sexual innuendos went above and beyond. The title, “My 36 Inch King Dick Wrecks Locks!” says it all. If you like such humor, check it out. I think he must spend months planning his next outrageous theme.
Are you the type to roll your eyes at such silliness? Or like me, does this sort of humor make you laugh so hard you *wrench* your back?

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Some Like it Hot, Some Not

After posting my image of Tabasco bottles I realized further back story might be fun, at least for me. ~grin~ And this story goes way back to 1989 when my husband and I met. On an early date he introduced me to Buffalo style chicken wings, beginning my ongoing appreciation of spicy foods.

I could not begin to name all the hot sauces we’ve tasted over the years or even the varieties currently in our refrigerator. Tabasco and Frank’s are two mainstream brands we always stock. Believe me, both the tiny bottles and large will get used. In fact, I carry a miniature with me at all times, a handy way to spice up food on the go. Flaming hot is best avoided otherwise, such as with this sad sight.

 While sorry for the homeowner(s) and wishing no residents were physically harmed, I find beauty in the charred remains. Then again, perhaps the structure was unsafe and firefighters practiced with a controlled burn. One can only hope.

Another fire related memory regards my last employment. Volatile chemicals sometimes flared up, so all the plant and office workers endured random fire drills.

An actual fire chief attended one such event with a funny story. Despite knowing better, he placed aluminum foil wrapped leftover food into a microwave oven. Oops.

That company also scheduled tornado drills. Midwest Ohio is prone to those dangerous events.

Are you familiar with the screenplay "Some Like it Hot"? Does your residence require regular emergency drills?


Thursday, March 28, 2024



     My husband bought me
tiny hot sauce

Was it not sweet for him to remember I like miniature things? And do you find the comparison with a large one amusing as I do?

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Fun with American English Idioms

In our early dating days, I learned my husband had a funny way with vocabulary. One time, instead of saying ‘peachy keen’ or ‘hunky dory’ to mean all is well he said, ‘peachy dory’.

The turn of phrase still amuses us. Sharing old memories is a blessings, for sure.

Fast forward thirty plus years and he delivered another phrase twist worth mention. We debated on something and he conceded, adding, “Whatever flips your boat”. The alternates he conflated are whatever ‘floats your boat’ or ‘flips your trigger’.

Aren’t regional idioms fascinating? Are you familiar with how many regard boating or sports, not to mention long lost meanings?


Friday, March 15, 2024

Random Wisdom

A few days ago my husband requested food from a favorite Chinese restaurant. Because I’ve been frustrated doing all my usual chores on top of caring for his needs, the slip in my fortune cookie struck me as worth mentioning.

Isn’t that great advice for all? Whenever you’re physically or emotionally drained, how do you decompress?

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

It’s Another Day in Paradise

Today I took our car in for routine maintenance. My husband planned to drive our second vehicle for a drop-off but was in too much pain. Knowing the fluid changes would take several hours, I took advantage of the auto shop’s free shuttle service, but not for the twenty minute return home.

At my request the fellow drove me a short distance to an expensive gourmet grocery store. Feeling I deserved a treat, I purchased a few items including selections from their salad bar and a nice sushi platter. My lunch in Dorothy Lane Market’s free seating area was most pleasant as I looked upon passersby entering through steady dismal rain.

After eating I sent a message to my friend Scars, who lives nearby. He and his father didn’t need any grocery items but a visit would be nice, Scars replied.

It turns out my proximity was fortuitous. He admitted overdoing physical activity and suffering more extreme pain than the day after his hip replacement. It was sad witnessing this (lessening!) agony and rare (begrudging) request for assistance. I gladly bestowed his minor appeals and enjoyed seeing him and his dad. It’s a shame their shy kitty didn’t check me out while I saw to her basic needs.

Anyway, I am happy to report that my husband plans to see a specialist for his ongoing issues. Plus both our friends Scars and Phoenix are getting excellent care despite their setbacks. As a side note, I stole my title from Scars. “It’s another day in paradise” is his sardonic reply whenever someone asks how he’s doing, which speaks volumes about his stalwart nature.

My food photographs are not so good. lol Instead, here are some other fun photos from the market.

Entrance to where I ate lunch...

It seems wedding season approaches...

The butterfly drew my attention...

What riotous design options...

K & R were a monogram theme throughout...
Perhaps R and/or K are employees.

I wonder how much of these are edible...

 Aren’t these cake designs wild? Would you choose one for your special event?


Friday, March 1, 2024

Buzz, Buzz

For all the kind folks interested, my friend Scars came through hip replacement surgery well and is already home. He hasn’t asked for any assistance so far. Phoenix, while frustrated by the setback from another fall, got cleared for better pain maintenance regarding his amputated leg.

I’m still busy taking care of my husband due to back pain. Busy as a bee, one might say. On a funny note, Phoenix smoked a lot during our outing and I still have a nicotine buzz headache hours later./span>

I must say, all these guys are appreciative. And I met some nice folks today.

One lady held the door for a couple leaving the spinal care center the man replied, “We moved here two years ago from Philadelphia and I’m still not used to all the kindness local people show.”

That woman and I agreed any interaction should include some little kindness and/or simple uplifting words. I don’t care if it’s praising a person’s outfit or hairstyle, aiding someone seeking a grocery item, or perhaps just smiling I think positivity spreads, as shown in the film “Pay it Forward”.

Have heard the saying “ misery likes company”? Don’t you agree that positivity is a better force?



Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A Mishmash of Hopes, Wishes, and Appreciation as My Favorite Men Fall Apart

My 55th birthday passed uneventfully as my husband somehow hurt his back. ~pout~ Since February 15th he remains in agony despite his doctor’s cortisone shot, prescribed muscle relaxants, and ibuprofen. I don’t know how or when but hope things improve.

Today my friend (AKA ‘little brother’) Scars underwent a hip replacement. His father said he came through well. I can only wish upon him some relief from his lifelong juvenile arthritis pain. Minutes ago he sent photos; the guy is a hero to me.

The same goes for our friend Phoenix who once again fell and wounded the site of his amputated leg. ~sigh~ At least he didn’t end up spending two weeks in hospital this time.

On a brighter note, I’m much healthier than my favorite guys and have free time. I’ve been making a point of lifting weights, swimming laps, or hiking.

Every few hours my husband needs various assistance due to the difficulty he suffers standing. This Friday I’ll be accompanying Phoenix to see his pain therapist. The poor guy can neither wear his prosthetic leg nor balance to get his walker in and out of the car.

Scars and his elderly father may need the understandable help I’ve offered, as well. We shall see. They’re all amazing men.

How are you and yours?


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A Curious Analysis Has Me Baffled – & – Our Silly Polly

Yesterday morning I took Terra and Polly for their annual vet check-up. Last year the clinic sent me home with Gabapentin for their next visit. It irked me that I was expected to drug my cats.

Worse, the listed expiration date was sometime last summer, so no way did I plan on using it. I told the technician they hadn’t been given this expired (!) medication but that I’d trimmed their front claws the day before. Well, the girls did great other than some hissing and growling.

Apparently they have a reputation, though, as the veterinarian I’d never met before mentioned Terra climbing on top of the wall mounted computer monitor and heading for the built-in high cupboards last time. She didn’t try any stunts yesterday.

He did have to wait until her lengthy low growl subsided in order to hear her heartbeat. lol They each received a CVR booster shot and we came right home.

My husband is equally confused by the vet’s diagnosis of mild obesity and thought perhaps it was to sell me some expensive diet pet food. But the doctor’s sole suggestion involved set feeding times. In agreement, I can’t convince my spouse to stop leaving kibble constantly available. ~sigh~ Meanwhile, neither gained weight over the past year.

Our athletic Terra remains at eleven pounds, her sister at eight. I do agree that Polly’s long coat needs more attention. For that matter, so does Dandelion’s; she will get her check-up sometime in late spring.

Should I be more open to sedating my pets? For experienced cat caretakers, do you think the vet rightly judged them overweight by feel despite lack of any gain?


Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Haves and the Have-Nots

Following a routine check-up I decided to explore the town where my doctor’s office is located. An industrial steel town, Middletown, Ohio houses the archetypal United States blue collar working class. I hate to admit we’ve always considered the city a bit depressing.

Not the most picturesque skyline...

Another business that utilizes the
local railways, whatever this is...

Interspersed between the stark mills, grimy factories, and bleak processing plants, many neighborhood residences make our humble abode appear as a grand estate. My tour really made me pause and give thanks.

These side lots are miniscule...

A nice porch, for sure...

Neatly kept tiny home...

More spacious houses...

The vehicle at far left clearly needs maintenance...

Now here we have these stunning hilltop houses. I suppose the steel barons contracted the mansions on Middletown’s Monument Avenue. These appear newer to varying degrees.

A rambling home...

I want to see this interior!

What fabulous, extraneous architecture...

More modest, but look at that garage door...

Seeing this image, my husband wrongly believed
this to be a multi-family home...

I believe capitalism, however flawed, generally benefits my fellow citizens. The lopsided economics here make my head spin.

Can you imagine I wanted to be an architect until the math defeated me? Would you choose any of these homes, whether modest or affluent?

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Seriously, this is a discount?

My husband and I so fortunate that retirement gives us plenty of time to shop for bargains. How working parents feed their families is both a mystery and growing concern. I doubt many folks have time to check the clearance shelves or even know their location tucked past aisles of freezers just across from the small hardware selection. When I looked up my jaw dropped. It’s no wonder bottles like this remain on the shelves.

For my unsophisticated palete, a brand priced just over one tenth of this tastes just fine.
Can you imagine what the original retail price must have been? Is there any special occasion for which you’d consider such an extravagant purchase?


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A Trio of Ironies

A longtime pal called the other day. K complained about the overly chatty guy at her hair salon. Funny enough, I could not get a word in edgewise. But she needed to vent and I try to be a compassionate listener.

It's no chore. And I cannot complain. K's parents, who always treated me like another child, continue declining health-wise.

My friend also shared an anecdote. Her youngest daughter S is working toward a hairstyling license yet fears cutting peoples' hair. This fundamental service seems to me as way simpler than the science of hair dyes.


While it seems unrelated, I have seen this aspiring young hairstylist's childhood bedroom strewn with discarded candy wrappers and dirty snack plates. Her unrepentant sloppy nature is legendary among family and friends.

Therein lies another paradox as S complained to her mother about assistants leaving messy countertops. Even with it being a place of business, the incongruous statement left her mother speechless.

Hearing this and K reiterating her taciturn responsive "Huh", I laughed until tears squirted. Poor young S has probably been told my reaction.

Do you know the rather morbid story behind the iconic barber's pole? Isn't it amazing that veterinarians historically treated humans, and would you agree it's likely a great option in dire circumstances?


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Giant Rubber Chicken Makes a Donkey's Day - Credits to ViralHog

This makes me smile every time I watch. And the jokes kind of write themselves. Heh...
Have you ever seen a happier donkey? Do you think the honking toy makes this social mammal feel less alone?

Saturday, February 3, 2024

A Walk About Town

My husband and I have lived in this house since 1994 (!) yet failed to fully explore Franklin’s history. Today I walked the riverside bike path, my unusual starting point coinciding with major downtown roadwork. That introduced me to unknown facts, such as the bed and breakfast where we married in 1997 having been originally commissioned by a sea captain.

Is this not a grand home?

Also, an Irish immigrant designed this intriguing old house locals dubbed the Alamo. It does seem to exhibit that influence. I would very much like to see inside.

I cannot imagine its current purpose....

There is a planned riverfront renovation which I consider long overdue. Surrounding towns have interesting amenities such as open air amphitheaters, independently owned (not chain) restaurants, niche stores, and the like.
This shows the massive infrastructural work...
I have seen but never read this plaque before...

A cool piece of history...

Grand houses across the Great Miami River...

A surprising find; this antique vehicle near a very old train bridge...

Why is there a deflated bike tire in the tree?

Besides the sad residence pictured above I saw many decrepit houses. One place appeared quite lovely; a mat on the sidewalk read ‘welcome to our porch’. Then I noticed a sign promising violence to trespassers. My instincts kicked in and I didn’t pause for a photo.

Do you live in a vibrant community? What improvement(s) would benefit your neighborhood?


Friday, February 2, 2024

My Year?

My dentist prognosticating 2024 as “my year” leaves me in doubt as to specifics. February hasn’t started off so great.

Dandelion decided to jump onto my side around midnight, January 31st. Slipping, she dug her claws into my right forearm. While painful, it didn’t give me much thought until later. I could have sworn she left a shed claw in my flesh.

After consulting my primary care physician via phone I visited a local urgent care facility. The nurse practitioner who treated my topical foot infection last spring retained his dry humor.

“Now, the fun begins,” he quipped upon entering the examination room. His magnified close inspection revealed no foreign object, much to my relief. I’m simply on a seven day antibiotic course.

As in May of 2023 he again said to avoid folk remedies like warm compresses followed by squeezing the wound site. I replied in agreement and how I declined my husband’s suggested ointment and bandage.

Acting impressed, he immediately asked if I had a medical background. Far from it, mere bad luck and being a klutz have taught me a lot over the years.

Did you know that antibiotics help push intruding objects out? Isn’t a good sense of humor important in most any upbeat workplace?


Friday, January 26, 2024

The Importance of Mindset

Some friends have tried convincing me that speaking affirmations help guarantee success. I’ve always preferred action such as the saying, Fake it Till You Make it. A unique source may change my mind.

This morning I drove my husband to our concurrent dental appointments. To our happy surprise both checkups went extremely well. Before leaving, the pleased dentist said, “2024 is going to be the year for you.”

Her Asian heritage could lead to a joke about fortune cookies. However, she and her awesome staff gave off such fantastic vibes I plan to recite Dr. Bui’s well wishes daily.

Do you have an opinion about positive thinking? What is your greatest upcoming wish?


Banana Muffin Win

I made up the batter for my husband’s favorite muffins. Altering the normal instructions in a minor way left them grossly undercooked. But via the title, you can tell they turned out fine with extra oven time.

Do you think refrigerating the batter overnight changed the baking time? Is this single deviation that important?

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Fog on the River

I saw many cool scenes like this;
photographing them is not
in my skill set...


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Numerous Flights & My Latest Kitchen Failure

Hearing a raucous sound outside my house, I knew this couldn’t be children on a playground despite the instant comparison. We live a mile or so from the nearest school and temperatures ranged far, far below freezing that day. The volume increased more and more. At last the individual honks could be heard.

The previous day I saw large Canada geese flocks heading south. This has to have been the biggest yet. Those birds no longer migrate from Ohio so they must have had enough of the cold. I don’t blame them.

My latest failure happened in the kitchen. A YouTuber we respect shares store-bought food breakdowns and recipes he deems either budget friendly or healthy. We were excited to try his version of egg foo young. Well, I didn’t detect anything but bland eggs, mushy vegetables, and salt. And the mess… well, you can see for yourself.

The gravy would not thicken with my cornstarch slurry,
then boiled over; other surfaces and pans were equally a mess. Ugh...

I think frozen peas would have been fine but not the cubed carrots. And I should have used a cast iron pan for consistent heat plus more oil for the desired fluffy texture. Some turned out undercooked, others rather burnt, and the mixture lacked enough eggs. Oh, well. Today my husband ate some crappy leftovers, declaring it fine. I’d rather stick to the easily ordered oily restaurant kind. It’s not like we eat this more than a few times per year.

Did you know these Chinese style omelets were created by 1900’s era Cantonese immigrants for American palettes? Are you a fan of any ethnic foods tailored to your regional tastes or do you prefer more authentic cuisine?


Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Sweet and the Tangy

I’m happy to report that Dandelion has not avoided me since she came out of hiding yesterday afternoon. I will not attempt peering into her ears for a few days. She really is a sweet kitty.

As for the tang in my title, I discovered an easy recipe on the inside of a Philadelphia cream cheese box for mini lemon-ginger cheesecakes. One ingredient I didn’t recognize is lemon curd.

These folks charge $12.95(US) per jar!
A quick search answered my question and uncovered a recipe for making instead of buying it. Believing homemade is best I also do not plan to purchase ginger snap cookies for the cheesecake bottom “crusts”.

I cooked up the curd yesterday and ate some in my morning yogurt, also homemade. lol Yum! I plan to freeze and vacuum seal most of the curd since my husband bought ingredients for banana chocolate whole wheat muffins.

He baked them in the 2000’s and I’d take some to my office. I still joke that the guys stampeding from the factory floor put me in danger; they were that popular a treat.

Funny enough, I’ll be freezing and sealing some upcoming muffins plus both my lemon juice and zest had been processed from fresh fruit, then frozen and sealed. It’s so rewarding being able to preserve bargain food purchases.

A key to using my FoodSaver is freezing the food stuffs first. Before learning this I ruined some packages via liquid breaking the seal in progress. So far nothing has gotten irredeemably freezer burned.

Besides meats, fruits, and vegetables, baked goods should be pre-frozen. I once crushed room temperature corn muffins. Hitting the seal button early would have prevented this. ~rolls eyes~ Thawed, my muffin pucks at least tasted fine.

Is it silly that I enjoy running my FoodSaver? Should we offer some of those banana chocolate muffins to neighbors?


Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Good, the Bad, and the Sweet

This morning our cat Dandelion delighted me by coming out of her comfort zone, joining me in an another room. It was so sweet seeing her enjoy a good scalp massage despite the mess her fur left on my clothing. While unrelated, a bag of store-bought cherries also made me happy.

I like how these cherries look like Valentine hearts...
I will ignore any remarks about the crevices ~grin~

Unfortunately I also noticed Dandelion’s terribly dirty inner ears and used an ear cleaning solution which she did not like one bit. While she didn’t run from me or struggle much, I should have left well enough alone after swabbing one ear instead of going for a second cotton ball. She bolted under the couch we’d shared earlier and hasn’t come out since.

At least treating her ears removed a fair amount of gunk; I can only hope she’ll forgive and forget. It’s always me that notices and treats these types of things. ~sigh~ As soon as my husband sits down to watch television he’ll no doubt have Dandelion on his lap in minutes.

As for my clothes, I used leftover sticky fly paper to clean my sweater. It worked quite well.

Finding the stuff reminded me how Terra somehow got a piece stuck to her underbelly as a kitten. I didn’t panic and she calmly let me cut her free. Ah, memories.

Isn’t it funny how playing the mean role translates to raising both pets and young kids? Wouldn’t it be nice if either comprehended loving good intentions?

If you want to see how gross my hairy black sweater looked after petting Dani, keep scrolling down…








Thursday, January 18, 2024

My Favorite Fast Food Revisited – & – My Fascination with Water Taken to a Silly Level

Let me start by stating that Taco Bell serves my most craved fast food. As a kid I liked their named Mexican pizza, however inauthentic its name. These days I stick with the beef burrito supreme because the so-called pizza always seemed just a soggy mess. I guess that didn’t bother my childhood self.

Today, following my husband’s request for Taco Bell’s new steak grilled cheese burrito I decided to bring home a burrito supreme for later and a Mexican pizza. I thought our air fryer might crisp up the item.

And did it ever (!); three minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit turned my late lunch into what might well be a new favorite junk food treat. Sad to say, his pick proved a disappointment. He did enjoy the chicken grilled cheese burrito the last time and plans to order it again in future.

Now I’ll show you my goofy desktop water feature. Since all my tropical fish died I’ve been loath to get more. I hope to eventually start keeping aquatic plants in my smaller aquarium. Meanwhile, this old chipped plastic storage bowl entertains me while typing.

Did you know Taco Bell was named after its founder, entrepreneur Glen Bell? And can you imagine why I and so many others are mesmerized with the random nature of both running water and flames?

As a bonus, here is a clip of my serial chewer, Polly. She only seems to do this for attention. Like our cats are so neglected. ~rolls eyes~ I definitely use electrical cord protectors on her favorite targets.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Luckier Than We Knew; An Auto Update

This morning my husband shared a website regarding a class action lawsuit against General Motors over defective BECM units, or Battery Energy Control Modules. Our used GM ‘certified’ model utilized this small yet vital part. While I experienced minor propulsion hesitation on surface (suburban) streets other owners/renters weren’t so fortunate.

Some dangerous accidents occurred at freeway speeds. Between 2016 and 2019 many less traumatized folks waited weeks or months (!) for repairs due to a lack of replacement parts and skilled technicians. Even worse, General Motors reneged on their promise to reimburse alternate transport costs while continuing production and certifying used vehicles. Sad to report, I’m reading such ongoing frustration here.

Lucky us, our dealership collision/repair center accessed the improved BECM unit and we picked up our repaired 2017 Volt today. We think this failure took several years because the previous owner never ran the hybrid vehicle on battery power. I’m so happy this fix came at no added financial cost and the failure should never recur.

Can you believe our good fortune? Do you think current supply chain issues, etc. are causing other Volt owners delays?


Saturday, January 13, 2024

Blue Meanie Blues

While driving my husband last Thursday I saw a dashboard warning light on our beloved 2017 Chevrolet Volt, nicknamed the Blue Meanie, but said nothing until an alarm sounded. We went on with our lunch plans hoping it was a glitch. Alas, our OnStar service’s remote diagnostic showed the electric hybrid’s battery recharging module faulty.

I really embraced the Yellow Submarine esthetic...
At home the air started to smell like a hot oven. Suspicious, I backed Blue Meanie out of the garage and discovered heat emanating through the left front fender next to the charging port. Lifting the hood, I could only hope the hot spots cooled down.
That mysterious tank circled in red held hot fluid...

Eventually I felt comfortable pulling into the garage
without risking fire. While the hybrid vehicle can run
on gasoline alone we didn’t want to take chances and
called a tow truck the next day. Our OnStar
subscription also covers roadside assistance four times
a year, which is awesome, and scheduling was easy
via a smart phone app.

The friendly driver did a good job securing ‘her’ on his
flatbed and an email notified us when the dealership
repair shop took custody Friday afternoon for our
Monday morning appointment. Blessedly, my husband
gambled on paying for an extended warranty when we
got the car in 2019, so everything should be covered.

This whole experience with current technology, while
convenient, makes me wonder if I should seek out a
make and model from my youth. Perhaps my high
school auto shop class would keep it on the road in case
of catastrophe.

As it is, I might as well have signed up for “The Care
and Feeding of Your Wooly Mammoth”.

Isn’t it rather pathetic I consulted the car’s manual
before I could lift the hood? Doesn’t the engine
compartment look like one of Elon Musk’s science
fair projects?
