Wednesday, June 19, 2024

One Classic Ride

I lifted weights today after a long lapse. My excuse for avoidance has been gardening duties and this heat wave put a halt on that. But then I bought a fast food lunch. Oh, well; two steps forward, one step back. Right?

My unhealthy craving paid off in the form of sighting a gorgeous classic car. Its kind owner allowed a photo.

I apologize for the poor lighting...
Can you believe the condition of this 1967 Cadillac Fleetwood? Isn’t it incredible that the original owners (according to the driver) have maintained and driven the car all these decades?



  1. Wow, that is a blast from the past.

  2. Dearest Darla,
    Wish I could lift weights or work in the garden...
    That 1967 Cadillac Fleetwood looks incredible—lots of love went into caring for it.

  3. We went out for burgers yesterday and I was surprised I didn't gain any weight. We don't do burgers and fries very often. I had to walk extra today.

    Beautiful car. My mother would have loved to have this car. She loved Cadillacs.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Hugs. ♥

  4. WOW! That car looks amazing, what a classic ride!

  5. I love old cars. They just don't make them like that anymore. My hubby has a 1969 Mustang, but it is not registered. XO

  6. Holy Moly, what a classic beauty. Dad says he agrees with Ellen in that they don't make 'em like that anymore.

  7. That is a beautiful car. It reminds me of a time from my youth when my father came screeching into our driveway in a sleek black one that he stole, with the cops flying in right behind him.

    1. I can only hope this story is fictional. :) Whichever the case, I appreciate your writing skills. Be well!

  8. ewe shulda asked de dood ta take de car fora wee spin,
    like may bee just oh, a foot ‼️😺🐟‼️πŸ’™

    I don’t watch TV, just dvd’s…one collection I have is Perry Mason
    and the cars featured on each program are similar to this one.
    they look like “boats” compared to my compact.

    awesome car ‼️‼️😺 and bet there’s not one inch of “plastic “
    on it

  9. When I visited your country, I expected cars like that one to be everywhere in the streets. I was rather disappointed.

    1. We do have lots of car shows. Maybe you should return during our summertime. I would cherish meeting you. :D Be well!

  10. Around here, old guys with money have car meet ups to show off their restored old cars. That one in your photo is a beaut!

  11. That Caddy does look in good shape. I'd love to take a ride in it.

  12. There is this old saying: the best way to avoid a temptation is ... to succumb to it! Fast foods can be unhealthy only if we indulge in excess. Once in a while shouldn't do much harm.

    1. Thanks for the kind word. Denying ourselves can lead to binging, for sure. Be well!

  13. I love old cars, but I really LOVE old trucks! I actually get excited when I see them coming and oh course, I usually have the camera on my phone open but I missed two good ones the other day.. They were model T's, I guess heading to a car show. I hated that they caught me off guard and I missed a good shot. Glad you are out working the weights and taking care of the body. I am about to get out and do some work before the heat kicks in. But mine is not weights.

    1. Sorry you missed out. :( I hope you drink plenty of water. Be well, my dear.

  14. I went to an old car show not too long ago. It's a lot of fun looking at them. I took quite a few pictures while there and posted a few on Flickr. There were two that were ones like my Dad bought many years ago. A '49 Ford was one.


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