Thursday, June 6, 2024

Gardening Fun

These are some random photos I’ve accumulated recently. I hope you enjoy them.
A Cool Fungus
A Tropical Tree Given By a Friend
Wild Strawberries Discovered Beneath
Invasive Prickly Lettuce Plants
Not From My Garden, an Interesting
Vegetable Drawer Discovery
These Nonviable Buckeye Tree Fruits
Pelted Me a Week or So Ago
Yuccas Planted by Former Homeowners
3 + Decades Ago (!) Continue Thriving 
What a Vibrant Insect Relaxing on a Rose

Have harvested vegetables ever sprouted in your home? Did you feel safe eating them?



  1. Yes, nice photos. Did the wild strawberries taste nice? Strayer mentioned them in a recent post.

    1. An online query claimed them to be pretty tasteless, so I didn't try them. Thanks for asking and leaving kind words. Be well!

  2. Dearest Darla,
    Lovely photos and just like the bumble bee I'd love to sleep on a rose...!

  3. I'm glad you're having some gardening fun!

  4. My carrots do that in the fridge too. That looks like a lion's mane mushroom- I have yet to find one of those. They are supposed to taste like seafood . I don't like seafood, but I want to find one. XO

  5. I bet that carrot would grow, with some dirt on it.

    1. I regret not trying that, actually. It could have been fun.

  6. Those things fell on you? Yikes. Nature can be dangerous.

  7. I only put out two tomato plants and although I have maters, I don't have eatable ones yet! Oh wait, I do have herbs growing and yes, I eat them. I always grow rosemary, basil, and oregano. Hope you enjoyed your time under the buckeye tree and although I know what buckeyes are, I even have one in my jewelry box....but I have never seen one live that I know of.Down the street a couple of miles, is a tree that has white crap flying all over, I think it is a cottonwood, but there again, I am not sure if I would know one when I saw it. I do know however, once upon a time, 20 odd years ago, I was highly allergic to cottonwood.

    1. Fingers crossed we both get some yummy tomatoes.

  8. So, carrots get hairy as they age? Fascinating.

  9. Lovely photos, Darla, but that hairy carrot is peculiar. Cool fungus, cool fungus, wherever you look there's beauty among us...

    1. I try to pay attention whenever outside, which is more and more often. :)

  10. Interesting assortment. I liked the wild strawberries!


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