Friday, June 28, 2024


My husband and I hope my successful seed starting early this spring pays off. Almost all the tomatoes and peppers look promising.

I remain most excited about my Jarrahdale pumpkins. This blue variety is said to have tasty roasted flesh/seeds besides being decorative.

They did receive damage early on which I now believe almost certainly to have been done by grazing white-tailed deer. Since that discovery I go out in the early evening and cover them with netting which gets removed early the next day (well, as early as I’m willing to tumble out of bed).

Do these stems appear bitten off to you?

On the subject of tumbling, adorable pollinators tumble over one another within each pumpkin blossom (!) and often overnight within the netting. My latest video is below.

I have my fingers crossed that the bitten off stems don’t introduce disease or that insects attack. The season is yet young. Wish me luck.

Aren’t these little bees adorable? Don’t you hope and pray that pollinators facing extinction is vastly exaggerated?



  1. You could put some Irish Spring soap out there to keep them away. My hubby also hangs tin pie pans on metal poles so they make noise. Cute video. I sure hope the bees survive- or we won't. XO

    1. Thanks for the tips! And you are right about our extinction being tied to theirs. Hugs, my dear.

  2. Dearest Darla,
    White–tailed deer are cute but not if they chew off they young, tender growth of your pumpkins!
    Guess you now are managing the situation well and the plant looks very healthy!
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. Good luck with your pumpkins. Sorry about the deer, but wildlife does encroach when we plant delicious things.

  4. Have I ever mentioned that I LURV toasted pumpkin seeds? Oh yeah!

  5. Those pumpkins sound really interesting and the bees are so much fun to watch.

  6. I love bees so much, we associate bees with one of our angel babies that we lost!

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

    1. Awww... And thanks for the links. I popped over to your new blog and really enjoyed seeing your talent on display.

  7. might have been rabbit or chippie, squirrel even. have seen
    all three nom on everything and anything in sight, especially when
    the temperatures are high….supposedly when stems are bitten
    off it’s because they are looking for water ?? don’t know the truth
    of that tho…and bees…total lee rock ‼️‼️💙💚

    1. Interesting thoughts. And I agree about bees. :D

  8. Oh, they're so happy to have the flower pollen! I hope you get lots of pumpkins!


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