Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Enchanting Abandoned Witch House Of A Famous Artist - What Happened Here?

Since this video is long, I watched it at a higher rate of speed. Old, abandoned structures fascinate me and I felt my time well spent.


  1. That was some cool place back in its day. I did like that piano!

  2. I don't think you're alone in that.

  3. I like to watch barns fall apart over time. Nature reclaims.

  4. We zoomed through, stopping to catch bits and pieces since our time in here is so short, but what we saw was awesome. Those hangers are something, too. Dad's a fan of old abandoned buildings, too. There are several right in our area and he's always saying he wants to sneak into them to explore.

    1. The middle of my three older brothers made me jealous the other day. It turns out he has a friend who appraises dilapidated properties for potential buyers and lets him tag along. lol I am honored you and your dad take time out of your busy schedules to stop in. :)

  5. OH I LOVE OLD ABANDON PLACES...hence Forgotten in Hickman Co. lol....I love more than anything to get out and walk around, and go in if safe enough. Here I don't do, there are too many signs that say private property and lots of rednecks so I don't get out and go in! lol.....

    1. We would have so much fun together, Pam. ~grin~ Be well!


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