Friday, September 20, 2024

Another Movie Review

Though the original “Beetlejuice” came out the year before I met my husband, we both saw it in theater and enjoyed it. Never expecting a sequel, I was skeptical until discovering positive buzz online.

It’s not for everyone (but what is?). In particular many scenes contain an extreme gore factor, however comedic.

We enjoyed this film immensely. The plot offering fresh ideas instead of just being a nostalgia fest impressed me, as did some surprising twists. The great Willem Dafoe gave a standout performance; his acting range never ceases to amaze me.

I’ll end my humble little post at that. Ragweed pollen has my sinuses pounding. lol Just know the returning cast and newcomers to the franchise performed wonderfully.

Do you suffer allergies? Is there a particular season you prefer?



  1. I used to suffer from hay fever but I grew out of it at about 35. Beetlejuice seems topical.

  2. I've been wondering if I should see this. I probably will wait for streaming, but it sounds pretty good.


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