Thursday, July 18, 2024

Questions, Answers, & an Issue

I asked the artificial intelligence on my smart phone about squash bees. To my astonishment, these insects were noted as pollinating anything squash related except pumpkins.

These insects fit the description otherwise. Maybe my blue variety attracts them or they have no other preferable plants nearby. As for the behavior I filmed, it seemed like a signal to others of their species but the information also indicated these pollinators build solo underground nests.

Then again, perhaps it’s a mating posture. Ooh… That could be interesting research as nature does fascinate me.

The issue relates to my largest pumpkin growing within the confines of my obelisk trellis. I didn’t think about this until the other day. ~shakes head~ Making sure this beauty reaches healthy maturity is my newest challenge.
I look forward to watching it turn blue.

I have an idea of turning it on its side and adding support netting as their shape is squat. It’s both surprising and dismaying my online research hasn’t offered suggestions.

Is this not a good problem to have? What do you think I should do if the fruit starts becoming malformed?



  1. I've no green thumb so I can't be of heap. I'm sure there are those that have the answers your require.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Hugs. ♥

    1. Thanks. I'm really more fascinated than anything. ~hugs~

  2. I think a watched pot never boils. I'm sure it's going to turn out great, but worrying over it isn't going to help. It's only going to stress you out. Although, I read something somewhere... How did it go? "85% of what I worried about yesterday didn't happen, so at least that worked." It went something like that.

  3. Dearest Darla,
    Look at your Blue Pumpkin feeling oh so happy!
    But that AI info is all bogus:
    Squash bees are excellent pollinators of butternut squash, pumpkins, and zucchini.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. I don't know anything about growing fruit and veggies, although we used to have a garden. Sad isn't it!?!?

    1. I don't find it sad. You spend your time and energy taking care of your kitties and the strays around your home. :D

  5. I've never grown pumpkins but I have seen them grow successfully with very little attention. Don't love your pumpkin to death, haha.

  6. Hey cool, maybe I'll suggest mom gets some support netting for dad since his shape's kinda squat, too. Well, Darla, I'd say do nothing. Malformed is simply another word for unique. Bye til next week!

  7. Enjoy the shape and look of your pumpkin that Mother Nature bestowed on you! Might not be fit for a carriage for Cinderella or you, but it might be fun to watch it as it grows and view the finished product. Sometimes nature gives us perfect in a not so perfect casing

    1. I can imagine a fairy creature riding in one, regardless of shape. :D Whatever the case, I feel blessed. Take care, my dear.


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