Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Before and After

My cacti began inundating our walkway again. So I decided to tackle the overgrowth on Tuesday the 9th despite extreme humidity.
The growth rate is insane...

This stretch of cement could use a power wash. Oh, well. I will get there eventually.

Outline created by an outdoor mat...

Isn’t nature amazing?



  1. Much neater, and you must have been working in the heat.

    1. Thanks! And yes, the heat and humidity here are brutal for my tender self. lol

  2. Good job! Yes, nature is totally amazing!

  3. Dearest Darla,
    Well, you tamed those cacti back to 'behavior' and within their space.
    Certain things in our yard cannot be tamed or contained and it takes some sweat for getting rid of such behavior 😏
    Our home got pressure washed and the driveway ought to have been included as well. But here in the south it is needed so often due to the high humidity and things start growing back.
    Hate the mildew but what can we do?
    Big hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Cacti? Must have made for a prickly walk.

  5. Nature is amazing, and you've reminded me that I need to dig up my Prickly Pear plant to put it in it's own container, instead of letting it take over the garden where I cannot weed for fear of getting the pricklies in my skin!

  6. I have never pictured cacti "overgrowing" and speed growing. It was something that never would have crossed my mind. Now, my little balloon of ignorance is broken forever.

  7. Very impressive. I believe they are edible, but I wouldn't want to test that. :) XO

    1. Nopalitos are delicious in Mexican cuisine but I haven't dared try it with this. lol Be well!

  8. Nature will take that sidewalk back if you would just let it ;)

  9. You know that I started shooting the FORGOTTEN OF HICKMAN COUNTY TN., and in watching some of these places I have seen just how much Mother Nature takes back in just a short time that a place is not being maintained weekly. It is amazing.


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