Saturday, August 17, 2024

Human Quirks

We all are red blooded and weird in our own ways. Liz A covered this in her post about fascinating human aspects.

A strange phobia has plagued me since before I can remember. My mother, having heard her little girl screaming, found me staring at the backyard play swing blowing crazily in the wind. I later stopped enjoying my grandparents’ front porch if anyone or thing made the bench swing sway askew.

Discovering others with my phobia comforted me a few years ago. Much later, however, my husband saw my face turn ashen at sight of a swirling indoor grocery store sign. He thought I was about to have a stroke. Laughing about it now, I make sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat there and keep my eyes lowered in known trigger areas.

I have it easy compared to some folks disturbed by dangling jewelry and even their own hair blowing in the wind. In addition, fixed objects such as vertical blinds don’t trigger my anxiety and my mind conjures ocean wave sounds during high winds. This 2015 blog post and the commentary in particular provided additional insight into my hating unexpected loud sounds.

Do you suffer any unusual anxieties? If so, have you found relief?



  1. Dearest Darla,
    No, I'm not suffering from any anxiety...
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Your 2015 post was most informative. I had never heard of this phobia. Being near too many people gives me anxiety and so does being trapped anywhere for longer than I want to be which is why I will only go places with my mom or hubby because they understand when I need to go home, it is urgent. XO

  3. I don't like heights and my heart will pound horrible if I've up to high. We all have our quirks. You're not alone.

    Have a fabulous weekend, my friend. Hugs. ♥

  4. I'm not fond of open heights either. I do have a friend who has an awful fear of balloons.

  5. Dad says he used to love amusement park rides- the higher, faster and more dangerous, the better. Now he says he couldn't handle them as well in his olding age, especially rides in which there is nothing between him and the ground. He's also been trying to learn a word for a weird thing he has- intentionally imagining painful, torturous things happening to him. And he says I'm odd.

    1. I wish all our oddities were joyful. Hugs to you and your family, you lucky girl. Never forget what a loving home you have.

  6. That explains the dislike for chimes and things that blow in the wind. I see it now. The only fear I had growing up was fear or dislike of spiders. I still have that but as I have aged, and aged with fibro, I have developed more. I used to LOVE being out in public of crowds of people. Now I can't handle them. Crowds sets my nerves off these days. But the thing now, I am learning it does not have to actually be crowds, just more than a couple of people. I went in Marshalls the other day and the amount of people in there almost had me running for the door, but I toughed it out and took routes through the store that took me away from people. I think that sometimes, like with you, it depends on something that takes place in your life before that your mind can't let go of and it follows you. But thank you for this, you know you have given me another topic to blog about. lol

  7. It's amazing all the things in everyday that can trigger someone for what seems like no reason. I feel less odd about the things that bother me when I hear about others' fears and anxieties. It's great that yours isn't debilitating as I know these things sometimes can be.

  8. I've never heard of that one Darla. I wonder if you saw a ghost in that swing when you were little. Or imagined one.

  9. I will make a note of this topic and think quietly about OH wait...I have one! I can't stand being on the edge of a drop off! And a really high drop off like a sheer cliff...I will back away. Yes, aircraft does not bother me and I am a pilot myself. I was the is, can't afford it any longer. But being near an edge straight down...nope. Can't do it. I'd never make it at the Grand Canyon.

  10. I'm sorry you can no longer afford piloting. It's something I long to do. Be well!

  11. I can get ON a roof without issue. It’s the getting OFF the roof that’s a problem. I once sat on my grandparents roof for a good 30 minutes after clearing off storm debris because I was afraid to
    turn around and use the ladder. dumb huh 😺‼️🙀

    1. That's not dumb; I think you're awesome for clearing off your grandparents' roof. :D And ladders in general turn me off unless they're very short and sturdy.


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