Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fun with Fish

I have really been enjoying my refurbished twenty-nine gallon aquarium. The sand is prettier, and the new liveliness brightens my day.
Can you spot the two gobies here?
If not, though you likely did,
please stop by tomorrow.
I will point them out.
Below you can watch one of my snails with the three gobies darting about. They move faster than you might think, crossing a good distance in little time.

 Have you ever visited an aquarium? Does aquatic life mesmerize you?



  1. I don't remember if I have been to an aquarium.

    But can see, how a personal one, could be mesmerizing. -smile-

    😊 😊 😊

    1. Oh, you should visit one. Those places are neat. My favorite display in the Newport Aquarium is the jellyfish room. Be well!

  2. We do have a local aquarium. (It's near the Queen Mary and downtown.) It's been a while since I've been.

    1. Oh, the Queen Mary sounds like a neat exhibit/venue! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Yes I can stare at aquariums for hours. Beautiful and mesmerizing indeed.

    Have a fabulous day, Darla. Big hug. ♥

  4. Yes, I see them. :) I love watching fish.

  5. I hope you can keep these alive awhile. We never had much fish luck when we had a small aquarium growing up. Something was always off and the fish would die or eat one another.

  6. Dad says many many moons ago when he was in 6th grade his class went to the aquarium in Boston. We also have the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher right here, but they haven't been there yet.

    1. They should totally go. ~grin~ I wish I was near the ocean right now. ~sigh~ We missed going to the Outer Banks last year.


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