Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Bee's Knee

Last week I had a routine eye exam. The next day I drove my husband for his. Instead of sitting in the waiting room as he did, I explored the lovely surrounding grounds. I’ll have to share clips of the water features. Meanwhile, my favorite part was when this bee landed on my knee.

Would you sit in the waiting room like my husband did? Can you guess why we didn’t schedule our appointments back-to-back?



  1. You did a far more interesting thing than hubby did. I love the video.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Hugs. ♥

  2. If the weather was nice I'd certainly be out exploring.

  3. It would depend on what's in the area. My optometrist is in a shopping center with a grocery store, a Little Caesar's, a T-Mobile store, and an auto parts store. Not a lot to explore. But it looks like you had a much nicer area to amble around in.

  4. That's adorable that bee on your knee, cleaning itself. I don't like doctor's offices or waiting rooms so I'm with you, heading out to explore the grounds. The sounds of water in the background are peaceful.

    1. The sound of water is one of my absolute favorite things. I'd prefer the ocean surf but will take what I can get. lol And that little bee made my day.

  5. Sorry I am late. I tried to comment the other day and it wouldn't go through. My hubby and I usually do have back to back appts and I have a crossword puzzle book to amuse me. :) XO


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