Sunday, September 24, 2023

Life’s Ups and Downs – the Silly & the Serious

Once again, my husband and I shopped where that giant inflatable dragon is sold and a lady told me to watch for it to be discounted (!), perhaps after Halloween or even earlier. I’m guessing they’re not selling because so many folks struggle financially these days, which makes me sad. However, my childhood chum living across the state and I enjoyed a nice conversation, during which she said they have an inflatable dragon and would give it to me as incentive to visit. I should go because, unfortunately, her mother’s health is in steep decline while her father has his own issues.

Heartbreak and chaos are everywhere you look these days, it seems, so we need to seek any positivity. I found some just this afternoon. Dandelion jumped off my napping husband’s lap wanting some canned food. As expected, Polly wandered in and received a tiny plateful. What happened next amazed and delighted me.

Not surprising, my fluffy black cat finished first and strode toward her pale furred elder. Uh, oh, I thought. But they sniffed one another, all but touching noses (!), and Polly just sat down a short distance away. Dandelion did slink away a few inches. However, she resumed eating when I moved her plate over. The site made me very happy. When he woke, my husband heard the news and could hardly believe it.

On another note, the woman I talked to this morning was a store representative soliciting flu vaccinations. Since they’re offering a five dollar digital store credit to every recipient, I urged my husband to go for it. Ten dollars is ten dollars. And next week, a Hill Air maintenance guy will be coming for our autumn HVAC inspection. I’m crossing my fingers that I get another $300 (USD) Kroger grocery gift card for leaving reviews.

As I type, I’m enjoying a gorgeous day under my shade tree. A delivery driver pulled up at the next door neighbor’s house and surprised me by walking over with my latest online Amazon purchase.

I look forward to playing with these...

I ordered this and another holiday light set yesterday. These leaves are a set of four, one of which will go on my outdoor wreath in place of my silk sunflower blossoms. It’s nice they are battery powered except I can’t put them on an electrical outlet timer.

If it looks cute during daytime should I leave them on? And ooh, do you think these oversized leaves would look fun in my haunted dollhouse?



  1. Hooray for the kitties, food and treats can be a peacemaker! Yes, you should go get the dragon!

  2. I hope you get to see your friend and score a dragon. I am glad things are calming down with the kitties. And I love the leaves. There is always a lot of sadness around so might as well cheer up with little treats like your beautiful lights. I have been doing too much cheering up on Temu. :) XO

    1. Me again- my hubby got his flu and COVID at Walgreens and got a $10 coupon for each one. I am planning to go there soon, but was trying to convince him to give me $50 per shot. :) XO

    2. lol Hugs, my dear, and thanks for all the kind words.

  3. I don't think the lights should remain on during the day. They are special and deserve to glow beautifully in the dark.

  4. Fun lights. Now someone needs to invent a timer for battery powered lights, and you'd be in business.

  5. You ordered them yesterday! Now that is fast delivery! Nice that Polly and Dandelion are easing off on open hostility! It can take awhile for the invader to be accepted. My insurance offers a gift card for getting various vaccines and tests. They had no covid vaccines at the doctors office when I visited last week so I got the flu shot, with a secret eye to the gift card. I hope it doesn't take long to get here.

  6. Hope you get to see your friend - and get a dragon! Glad your cats are learning to co-exist peacefully!

  7. Good to hear your cat's are getting along. The day after Halloween is when the best deals are. Hope you get your dragon.


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