Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A Curious Sight

I parked near a thought provoking vehicle at the YMCA Monday. The front windshield sported a commercial sun shield. The others, well, see for yourself.

There is cardboard everywhere...
Weird vibes almost caused me to move my car. Common sense prevailing, I stayed put. The rusted sedan remained there after I finished my workout.

...even the back window
Do you have any theory about this? Since all the windows remained down a few inches on a cloudy day could the car have both electrical and water leakage issues its owner cannot afford to fix?



  1. There are abandoned or broken down cars and RV's all over around here. They are often full of garbage.

  2. They could be living out of the car. They could be moving. Perhaps it's a way of keeping the interior from getting too hot. I could come up with a bunch of theories, but I have no idea what actually is going on.

    1. I think it's either about keeping the interior cool or dry. Those weren't full boxes but just pieces.

  3. Ha! I was gonna say someone is living in there too!


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