Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Feeding Time!

This post is thanks to Pam Jackson. ~hugs~ I've been meaning to write this up and you inspired me to take a few moments away from fictional storytelling.

We started using paper plates to feed our cats their canned wet food, repeated servings set out on the same ones so as to cut down on waste. I’m not even sure how the trend started. But my partner liked my solution for storing an opened can and the habit stuck.

They Love Their Chicken Soup for the Soul Weight Management Formula
What’s funny is they used to eat off china plates. Literally. I bought the set while still living with my parents. In the real everyday world, sturdier dishes replaced breakable plates. Which, in hindsight, may be why we switched to paper after getting stone flooring.

Tilly Demonstrates How to Hold the Plate Steady with One Paw
Either way, the cats don’t care. And Jezebel finally learned Tilly’s trick of stepping on the plate.

The Plate Stays More Still Than Jezebel!
She finally slowed down for me to snap decent images. I liked how the multiple overhead lighting shadowed her ears here.
Jezzy Eats Fast While Somehow Looking Delicate
If you have such a pet, how do you serve dinner?



  1. HAHA...I did not mean to push you, I was just checking on you...Oh well, I knew what you were up too, I have learned that is your passion. I tend to try and read people through what they say. As for feeding time, why should my pets have china when I eat on paper! haha....kidding. Dakota has his own bowls, plastic and perfect for the amount of food he gets at his 2:00 feeding. Mom had some plain white saucers (corning ware) that she put in the pile to get rid of...I took them for Lily's feeding. She does better with wet food on a plate and not a bowl. I have an old chair I plan of doing something with that I set her plate on at the wet food feeding time. I was warming her food and looked around to find Lily sitting on the chair and waiting. I used to keep dry food out for Dakota but since he was gaining do much weight, I stopped. Recently since he could not understand why Lily got dried food and not him I decided to give his dry food back to him. He was not losing weight when he was not getting it so I see no reason for him to do without. Okay.....I rattled on and on about feeding time! And why 2:00? Something my mom started and it just stuck. You know while I worked, he went to my mom's every day and stayed there for.......9 years! haha

    1. I didn't feel pushed, just compelled. ~grin~ Thank you for sharing! I adore reading about your fur babies. ~hugs~ Hope you feel better tomorrow.

  2. Clever. Keeps things clean without having a cat dish to wash frequently.

    1. Thanks! I feared it might seem wasteful toward the environment, but then so is using tons of water, right? Be well.

  3. We use glass plates, but I like the paper plate idea. With 12 cats, I do a lot of dishes daily.

    1. I can't imagine! ~hugs~ Hope Emmy is doing well today.

  4. Canned cat food is smelly, so I like the idea of paper plates. No need to wash the dish and have to smell it again, just toss it out. Cute kitties :-)

    1. Thanks for the kind word! I suppose paper plates would not be too helpful on a boat though. ~grin~ Be well!

  5. You are funny. i like the idea of feeding them from china. We have three sets of china that we inherited. They have sat in boxes for many years. Come get them for the girls. HUGS.


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