Friday, October 6, 2023

One Silly Quandary & My Delicious Dessert

The other evening I felt like baking a pie. We have lots of cream cheese and several cans of pumpkin, so I looked up a recipe combining the two. My husband did not complain.

My biggest chore was grinding down cinnamon from sticks. Soaking some of the bark chips in water, then adding other pre-ground spices (ginger, nutmeg, etc.) in my mortar and pestle provided excellent results. I don’t know why cheesecake is a pie, like apple or cherry, but called cake.

Are you fascinated by terminology? And if you bake or cook, do you prefer whole herbs/spices or ground?



  1. I'll be over for a slice.

    I prefer to have others cook/bake and I just enjoy what they create.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Hugs. ♥

  2. Why things are named the way they are is a mystery. It sounds like you had a good time making your pie.

    1. I've been enjoying lots of cooking and baking, something I would never have expected. lol And language is fascinating. Be well!

  3. To me a cheesecake is a cake as it holds its form and can be easily cut into slices. A pie is shall I say, more sloppy. Maybe there are differences of what we call cheesecake.

    1. Oh, that's an interesting theory. But then key lime pie should be called cake. lol

  4. It's because CheesePie sounds silly! I'll have some too. Oh, I can't, no dairy for me.

    1. I'm sorry you can't enjoy dairy. I would miss it in all its many forms.

  5. Thank you for the well wishes for our sweet Brian.

  6. That is a good question. I am lazy so I preferred my spices ground. XO

  7. I never thought of a cheesecake as a pie. It looks like a cake.. unless you baked it in a pie crust.. that would change things I suppose.. I prefer my spice pre ground.

    1. Funny enough, almost every cheesecake I've baked or eaten is in a pie crust. lol

  8. So you grind the cinnamon sticks down to powder by hand? Was the pie delicious? It sounds like it would be.

    1. I own a mortar and pestle, actually, and my husband and I each enjoyed a slice today.

  9. To me a pie has pastry at top and bottom, a tart has pastry just at the bottom and a cheesecake has crumb at the bottom! But I'm no cook!

  10. Forget herbs and spices, all dishes (sweet or savoury) need is PRAWNS! (From Toffee the Cat).

    1. Oh, of course! I'll stick some in my next pie or cake just for you. :D


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