Sunday, July 9, 2023

Plans: A Creature Feature – & – Crap

My mild frustration with the YMCA led me to discovering an interesting event at our Caesar Creek nature center. I planned on attending two Sunday afternoon seminars on local critters. And I forgot. The place is a half hour away and the event started fifteen minutes ago. I could attend the second but am just not feeling it.

The other day I even typed up the following to share here (and obviously didn’t):
Fingers crossed, there won’t be a ton of kids there and I can see some captive (rehabilitating?) specimens followed by a natural pond exploration. Both hour long events are free. I don’t even need to register.

And I concluded with:
What odds do you think I have of a peaceful visit sans rambunctious children? Have you ever walked out on an event, paid or free, due to annoying crowds?

Isn’t that a shame? Can you believe I not only let a spat with my husband wreck my day but allowed my upset to spill over to our innocent kitties?



  1. I've left plenty events over the years, mostly because they were boring beyond belief.

    1. That stinks. But our time is precious, so good on you.

  2. We've all had days like that where we lose the will to do something after a 'household upset'. It wasn't meant to be.

  3. Butted heads with The Hubby today, as anything I mention that I'd like to do gets a sour face or a 'no' from him.
    And mentioning this caused him to snottily say, "Oh, you are so mistreated!"
    Which is why I continue to attend free or paid events far and wide, on my own, because he's NEVER going to join me, and I refuse to sit at home until I'm dead.
    Drove 1-1/2 hours each way to a fun gathering on Saturday, and I'll do it again, and again, and again.
    And yes, I've left events due to too much noise, too many mosquitos, or the presenter wasn't keeping my interest.

    1. I'm so sorry but agree with Strayer that you're inspiring. We sometimes have to get up and out alone, which I've done many times over the years.

  4. Oh no, I'm sorry, but these sorts of days happen. I've not been interested in overly crowded events. Like my neighbor wants me to go to a summer concert tomorrow night where you have to actually go hours before hand, or stake out a space with a blanket hours before, to get a spot in the evening. Being a yes person, I said yes, but moments later I began trying to come up with excuses. I think honesty might be best, that I can't stand those super crowded venues.

  5. I do wish we lived closer and could have some fun together. I probably will go tomorrow to the concert, just to get out and do something. I hope you can find some things to do, alone or drag hubby along. Eastgate cats comment inspired me a little.

    1. I'd scoop you up if I could. ~hugs~ Life seems easier here. And I'm inspired, too. Went swimming today, in fact.

  6. I can understand completely. The only kids I can deal with our my great nieces. I find a lot of other kids obnoxious. My nieces are no angels, but my niece makes them behave in public. :) XO

  7. Will it happen next weekend, too? Can you go at a different time? I hope you haven't missed out completely.

    I am so paranoid that I'm going to forget to water my father's plants that I wrote it on my calendar. (They're going on a cruise next week.)

    1. I missed out, for now. ~sigh~ Oh, well. Meanwhile, you're a good daughter. I hope it's all fun, safe, and everything goes well on the ocean and stateside. :D

  8. I have been down your path many many times and I think as you do. Really. And I liked the comments here as I agree with them completely.

  9. I try to not let others mess with my mind and ruin my days but we all know that crap happens and when you least expect it, someone just jumps in and screws with your day. As for kids, I found I have gone in stages with them. First, raising them, and having limited patience, trying to be a mom, work full time and raise those kids. Then the next step, was my kids being grown and all of a sudden I have more patiences with kids. I think cause I know I can send them home! lol.... Next stage is where I am at now, nerves. Kids tend to get on them now. I have also noticed that a lot of times, that kids sort have the run of parents. Its like the parents just block out the crying, the noise, the misbehaving. Okay, I guess I should leave that for another post on my blog! lol...But I will throw this in, being around water and having kids around, since I don't swim, I like to float, I rather not have wild kids around me.


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