Wednesday, July 26, 2023

God’s Children are Not for Sale - A Movie Review

Well, my friend Scars and I saw “The Sound of Freedom” this morning. As expected, I cried several times. Yet I’m glad we went.

The claim it’s a product of the QAnon conspiracy theory left us both baffled. Whatever you think of the 45th United States President, this movie has nothing to do with extremism.

Child sex trafficking is real and our society needs to shine a light into that darkness. Yes, I’m standing by that opinion.

steps off soap box

If you’re still reading this (~grin~), the film’s production values were excellent, from sound quality to some stunning cinematography. I especially enjoyed the characterizations. Bill Camp as Vampiro blew me away. I want to add more about his portrayal but won’t spoil the movie-going experience.

For the faint of heart, please know that the child abuse remained evident without tasteless depiction. And I imagine the child actors received direction without context, such as did the little boy in 2007 horror/comedy “Planet Terror”. According to that movie’s special features, producer Robert Rodriguez directed extra scenes for his son Rebel’s personal screening. Those additions erased Tony’s tragic end.

Isn’t it sweet that Robert Rodriguez went to those lengths for his boy? Are there any theatrical releases you anticipate seeing?



  1. I'm glad you got something out of the film. The claim that it's a QAnon conspiracy is very much simplified. What I had heard was the depiction was misleading, and that the person it was based on was a person who those involved in stopping trafficking consider fringe. (Here's a balanced article that explains the issues while considering the film's positives:

  2. I don't get why so many thing child trafficing is okay these days. The silence says more that their words. People drive me nuts these days, granted, it's a short trip. I appreciate your telling us about it.

  3. I so want to see this and hubby and I will. Thanks for your take.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  4. Well, I am not sure if the movie is available here. I will check that out. Thanks for sharing. Child trafficking is a horrendous reality, and we must do everything to rid the society of it.

  5. my last two yrs with the TBI were in the fusion center, that is a mix of TBI, FBI, Homeland...etc, we handled sex trafficing. I thought till that point that sex trafficing was adults grabbed and sent to other countries to be sold for sex. I was wrong, that is when I learned that trafficing also was parents that put their kids out on the streets or sold them to friends for drugs or drug money. In 2014 the youngest child in TN that was in counseling was three years old. Mom put her out for sex, for drug money. SICK!!!I Its a BIG problem

    1. That happens here too, Pam, the selling their kids to others for sex to get drug money. It's so sick. I can't watch movies about child abuse, having suffered it myself. so often its a trusted family member or family friend or even clergy.

    2. wasn't there a show long time ago, a news guy or someone, set up stings. To catch a predator or something, underage girls and they caught them by the score. I heard somewhere years ago, and maybe I'm remembering wrong, that it was big in Thailand, that people would give over children they couldn't support to brothels and even American pedophiles would travel to Thailand for it.

    3. I'm sickened by the suffering and wish nothing like that ever happened to you. ~hugs~ I'm shuddering in my seat while typing. Punching a pedophile in the junk sounds like a fine activity.

  6. Hi Darla! Thanks for stopping by and wishing Marv a happy birthday! He is over the moon excited!
    I've heard lots about "The Sound of Freedom" but I think I shall by-pass the viewing. I was a training developer for a major police service and I learned more about the darker sides of people and the things they do and had to translate that into training that helped police deal with the bad guys and their victims.
    Thank goodness for the pet blogosphere and the wonderful people in it to lift the spirits! Keep being awesome! Barb and Marvelous Marv

  7. Frightening, and unfortunately not unheard of these days. Dad says he hadn't even heard of this movie (not surprising what with our current situation), but he and mom have never been frequent movie theater goers until our current in-limbo life. They just saw Oppenheimer, and dad says he wants to see Haunted Mansion this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend, Darla.

    1. Humans have been awful to other humans since before anyone could speak. Grrr... On a happier note, I visited the Disney World haunted mansion as both a child and adult. What a blast! I should maybe check this flick out. The made-for-TV movie years ago was cute but nothing I'd re-watch. Blessings to you and your parents, my precious.

  8. I won't go to movies like that as I am, as you said, faint hearted. I can't un-see something even though it is a movie. I never voluntarily read or see/watch sordid things. I'm a wimp.

    1. You're wise to be gentle on yourself. ~hugs~ Sometimes I just buckle up in order to be witness.

  9. Replies
    1. Indeed. Thank you for stopping by. I enjoyed visiting your blog. Blessings to you and yours.

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