Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Seven Days

I’m a huge fan of horror movies, and “The Ring” remains a favorite. The fact an evil spirit will come to get you seven days after you watch her video is too cool. And visual evidence appears in the form of blurry photos, which brings me to Jezebel.

She is notorious for moving whenever the shutter opens. Otherwise, she will lie motionless for hours near my writing chair. Enjoy some prime examples.

Finally, Gotcha!


  1. They are HORRIBLE when it comes to having their pics made. Lily is always just to busy playing but Dakota just don't like having his pic can be fun trying to get them and other times it is a pain. As for horror movies....I don't do them. I spend more time with my eyes covered if I do! haha Yep, I am a chicken.

    1. You do so great with capturing them on film, though! My Luna was a natural poser. While Jezebel sees the camera as taking my attention away from her (it seems), and Tilly just doesn't care, Luna would gaze lovingly at my face, camera and all. I thought of you when I brought up horror movies. ~hugs~ Be well!

  2. The title of this post made me think of the TV show of the same name.

    The cat must hear the shutter clicking. You need one of those things that takes a whole lot of pictures at once. Or just take video ;)

    1. Interesting! I didn't know there was a television series by that name. Good tips, all, and I'm just now thinking that Jezebel thinks my attention is off of her when I look through the camera, and thus becomes interested in what else could possibly be going on in the house. ~grin~ She's a silly girl.

  3. This really made me smile as I think they do it just to be contrary. It always takes me loads of shots to get a decent one, and it's not just cats that are in on this conspiracy as our puppy dog does it as well. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Interestingly, this pet is the first uncooperative subject for me. Childhood family dogs were always hams, and Luna should have been a super model. ~grin~ I miss that kitty still.

  4. Nooo...she is a beautiful, sweet soul. Yeah. Hugs, Darla!

    1. Hugs back, Annie! Hope you're having a great day.

  5. Taking cat photos, I sure know the problem of movement just as I snap the shutter. I've never seen The Ring. Maybe its time.

    1. You do an amazing job! Be warned the movie is really scary. ~chills~ I still want to hide my eyes sometimes when we re-watch.


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