Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Saved Again, and Again

Dear fellow blogger Andrew’s post reminded me of recent ways my (apparent) guardian angels have protected me. A few months ago I tripped over something (?) in our home. If a simple, flimsy plastic cat tent hadn’t broken my fall I’d have bashed my skull against the brick hearth.

A week or so later I slipped off the top step down into our garage. Somehow I didn’t fall onto the concrete. It seems friction from my elbow dragging against the wall stopped me. While there are only three stairs, I perceived some broken bones (or worse) before my sudden miraculous halt.

Who knows why I keep tripping over my own feet? Of course please disregard that rhetorical question. ~grin~ But do you believe (as my drunken self experienced falling down a friend’s full flight of stairs; don’t judge, it was decades ago) that insobriety curbing the instinctual urge to brace ourselves helps prevent injury?



  1. I'm 72 and I don't want to fall down at all. You do have an angel watching over you. As it should be.

    Have a fabulous day and week, my friend. Big hugs. ♥

  2. I get it, I really do. I recently took a tumble too and thought I broke my foot, but I didn't. I tripped over my slippers LOL!

    1. I've tripped over my husband's footwear more times than I can count. Heh... Stay safe!

  3. Dearest Darla,
    Oh, no doubt we have a Guardian Angel watching over us!
    Ours has been on heavy duty at times and we miraculously made it out alive.
    Tripping or falling is something we all don't want to try at our age...
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Yikes. Those sound scary. As a recent faller, I am in awe of your good luck.

  5. Maybe you are right with your thought. We just do have to be more careful as we get older and be very conscious of what our feet are doing.

  6. I am so susceptible to tripping and falling. Be careful. Take care. :-)

  7. It's certainly possible. My problem is that I worry more about the embarrassment of tripping and/or falling in front of someone than I do getting injured.

    1. You must be considerably younger than me. lol Take care!

  8. I heard that once, from a first responder friend, that drunks often survive otherwise deadly crashes due to their relaxed brain state that prevents them from tensing and bracing.

  9. Since I broke my hand 6 years ago, and broke my toe last year, falling seems to be the way of things!
    However, I plan to find a class or instructor that can teach me how to be steadier on my big feets, because breaking things isn't good for us.

    1. Please do take care of yourself. Hugs, my dear.

  10. I truly believe our guardian angels protect us. XO

  11. I hope I have a guardian angel, as I hate to think it's just dumb luck that may some day run out.

  12. You know, I will prob start looking at my almost falls and actual falls that keep me from hurting myself a diff way. I just say, one of these days!!! I have never had a lot of grace and I have always managed to do damage to myself. I would always find brusies on myself and my mom would tell me that she could put me in a padded room as a child and I would come out with bruises. YEP....that is me. Then in the last 18 yrs, with Fibro, low back issues and just not paying attention that affects my balance, I am doomed.


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