Monday, May 20, 2024

A Strange Day

Our cat Dandelion woke me early this morning jumping on the bed seeking attention. After telling my husband, on his computer at the time, I returned to bed.

Ornery Terra later woke me by knocking my phone off the nightstand. To my shock, it was past 11:15! No wonder she wanted me up.

Discombobulated, I thought I might still be asleep and dreaming when my husband then told me about a derecho sweeping through the central United States. Unfortunately for those living in this weather pattern’s path, it’s very real and I wish them all the best.

On a lighter note, I opened a box just delivered. I turned around moments later and found the aforementioned kitty Dandelion sitting there.

Is that expression adorable or what?

Isn’t nature's force often either wondrous or terrible? On a different topic, did you know that the wonderful character actor Dabney Coleman passed away?

There’s a fabulous homage on the blog Shadow of a Doubt. By the way, I do not think the bubbles forming in the rain were caused by any chemicals but rather ideal conditions. It probably would not have happened had the guy who replaced our driveway done a better job years ago.



  1. Dearest Darla,
    Haha, Spooky woke me up rather early this morning...
    Dandelion is as sweet as can be!
    Never heard of Dabney Coleman as both of us never had time for watching any movies.
    Mariette + Kitties

    1. You and your precious late husband have always been more active than me and mine. Hugs and blessings, my dear.

  2. Dandelion is adorable. I hadn't heard of Dabney Coleman before but now that I google him he looks familiar.

  3. Awww, what a cute face indeed. You slept in that late? Wow. Funny how they know when you've slept enough. Bless their cute little hearts.

    May he rest in peace.

    Have a fabulous day and week, my friend. Hugs. ♥

  4. Those mega storms are awful but sweet Dandelion is totally adorable!

  5. 11.15! Dear oh dear.
    Thanks for the driveway update.

  6. Dandelion is a cutie. Yes, I saw that he had passed. XO

  7. Thanks for the shout-out. A cat's sense of balance is amazing.

  8. You opened a box. Of course you summoned the cat.

  9. wavez two ewe dandelion, yur eggz pression iz awesum pawsum and wavez two ewe terra over ther in de other part
    oh de room….ewe both N joy yur box and fone time ‼️‼️😺💙

  10. I loved the characters Dabney Coleman played over the years. That is the cutest expression ever on a kitty face!

    1. I agree. And thanks for the huge compliment. You know kitty faces like no other. Hugs, my dear.

  11. Dandelion on the box is an adorable photo, and my goodness, those deep dark eyes! My dad says if he slept til 11:15 he'd feel like his day was nearly over. This morning I heard him yawn, stretch and rise at about 3:57. No wonder he's nodding off while watching tv and eating dinner.

  12. Dandelion is a perfect name for her. I LOVE that name. If I had another girl, that would be her name. Yes, her expression is sweet. I'd be over there smooching a sweet head. In 2002 a Derecho swept through here as well as a large swath. I think it's composed of straight- line winds I swear! The damage through this town and all the others was horrendous. My next door neighbor had a tree fall on the house, Two actually, and crashed through to the kitchen. The one across the street had their HUGE oak fall directly across the house and cut it in two. Here, we live in a town cut out of a forest. My tallest is 90' tall, and most of the ones in this end of town are the same. Damage is outstanding when there is a cause. BTW the sound of the winds woke me from a sound sleep. I was so fearful of my own oaks and maples falling I was awake standing there all night.
    Love to you and Dandelion.

    1. You're very kind. I'm glad you are safe. Hugs, my dear.

  13. Dandelion looks like quite the character! Apparently knows how to get you out of bed as well!


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