Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Eyeglass Re-Update

For whatever reason, I still do not have my new long distance eyeglasses with bifocals. After today’s second call to the optical center, the woman said she would contact their laboratory manager and get back to us as to what is taking so long.

That was this morning. Still no call as of early this afternoon. ~sigh~ I just want what we paid for almost three weeks ago, and to see if those lenses work out as well as these for reading the computer screen. At least my hornet sting is healing and we seem to have eradicated the menace (we still have not flipped over the lawn mower to look for my glove).

Wish I Could Put a Prescription on These Lenses!
How long would you wait before demanding a refund and going elsewhere?



  1. Wow, three weeks and no glasses? I've never waited that long. Usually about a week to week and a half.

    Glad your sting is better and I'll wait until you flip the mower to see what it did to that glove.

    Have a fabulous day, Darla. ♥

  2. I've never had to wait longer than a week if I paid for them myself. With insurance the wait was longer. I wouldn't wait more than you have though!

    I'm still waiting for a return call about my Goldendoodle's meds. The vet did a blood test to check levels of all sort of things, but forgot to do one! Now they have to check to see if they'll refill his meds! And they want another test in 30 days. Excuse me! It better be free, they're the ones who forgot! I need them to refill for a month. Last week they refilled for 5 days and it cost a bit more than 1/2 the month's cost! "Bottling charges" they say...

    People need to return calls!

    1. My ordeal is less frustrating than yours, I think. ~hugs~ Best wishes!

  3. I have no idea how long this should take, but it sounds like now is when you give up on them and demand a refund. At least, if you don't hear back from them (although, I'd call back). You can always chalk it up to Mercury retrograde. (It's a useful scapegoat.)

    1. They're lucky we're lazy and laid back. ~grin~ Thanks for the giggle.

  4. I would be pretty annoyed by now. I like the ones in the photo. :)

    1. I'm glad you like them. Can you believe they came from Disney World? I miss contact lenses for allowing me to wear cool shades. ~grin~ Thanks for the support.


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