Saturday, February 12, 2022

Polly’s Follies – 7

This first bit is not at all amusing. I’d thought her through the cord chewing phase. Apparently not, despite the fact she is rarely left unsupervised and gets plenty of playtime.

Her chewing exposed wires!

It took me a while to figure out why my cell phone wasn’t charging. We’re lucky she didn’t electrocute herself and/or burn the house down. My ringing phone has been knocked to the floor numerous times. Perhaps it’s a theme.

On a cute note, I discovered what garnered her excited attention outside our bedroom window. She found a bit of clinging vine waving from the north facing brick wall.

Can you believe citrus doesn’t deter Terra and Polly from jumping on my kitchen counters? Do you have any recommendations?



  1. My niece's cat has never outgrown chewing and he is 15. She is just better at hiding stuff from him. He used to chew her chargers and any shirts with spaghetti straps. Ikea used to sell things that look like a vacuum cleaner hose with a slit to put cords in. I think pool noodles would work too. Good luck. XO

    1. Thanks for the tips! And I'm sorry for your niece.

  2. We used aluminum foil on the counters, which none of the cats liked landing upon.
    Well, that worked for Celestial Chuck and Angel.
    Da Boyz are not deterred by anything, and I refuse to throw noisy things to scare them off, so we put a screen door on the kitchen to keep them out.

  3. A scat mat usually works. I get them off amazon. They are a plastic mat, of differing size, with electric wires through it. Attached is a small box, battery operated, and via the settings, can deliver a small jolt if touched. I use my two scat mats a lot. Soon you don't have to turn on the box, for current, as the mat seen is enough.

  4. Yikes, that could be dangerous. You might try something like this:

  5. It's too bad you can't make the counters slippery, so when they jump on them they slide right off. Although, I can see how that would go very, very wrong.

  6. Now that is serious. I had that problem in the late 90's with baby Lady Bianca aka the Admiral. She chewed phone cords in two the second a new one was put on. Which wouldn't probably be a hazard as much as a total inconvenience to me. She began working on others more dangerous as well. I got a cordless phone to stop that. But I had to speak sternly to her for other cords. I did use the spray bottle. It doesn't hurt, and it got her attention.
    Regarding the counter...I'm afraid that a wiping with cleaner before using is about the only solution. Certainly saying "no" while caught in the act. That does deter Katie. She hates that word and will hiss and swat at me from afar when I say it. BUT, she heeds it. Every other tone and word in her 24 hrs a day is loving; so "NO" is said sternly (not loudly) and she caught on immediately. No means no.

  7. polly; trooth....knot much in de houz iz "plugged" in bee cauz tuna... tried ta eat everee thing "electric" { even chewed de stove knobz....ta thiz day itz still unplugged } gotta bee care full with that stuff...for yur own good....♥♥♥

    ~~~~~~~~~~ and you didn't hear this from me; try aluminum foil ...SUPPOSEDLY cats don't like the sound oh it when walked on ??!!

  8. I commented last night, but it didn't show up. I recommend pool noodles to cover cords. IKEA also had covers that looks like vacuum hoses sliced. Good luck. XO

    1. It's my fault your comment didn't show. ~hugs~ Thanks again, my dear.

  9. No helpful pointers here, sorry to say. This is not an issue in this house because, I guess, I never had a thing for climbing on counters. Dad says it's due to my age or something (he would know!) I do, however, have a thing for mom's newest hobby- crocheting. I just can't get enough of that darn yarn. Anyhoo, good luck keeping the tykes down!

  10. Well, I used a squirt bottle of water and a stern NO. That seems to have worked with my babes.


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