Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Three Nice Surprises

The title tells what I shall explain. First, my husband’s debilitating pain has subsided; he is even driving himself to physical therapy and other doctor visits. What a relief for us both. Taking care of everything left me with a niggling case of tendonitis in my right elbow.

Then extended use of my left arm caused annoying if slight muscle pain around that scapula. Minor queasiness accompanied the frustrating sensation. While it’s happened exactly the same several times in my lifetime, healing takes longer at the age of 55 and I’ve been struggling for many weeks. But enough whining… Here’s my surprise win:

Knowing the grass needed mowing and weeds pulled yesterday, I finally took pain medication, something I avoid whenever possible. What a shock; all this activity didn’t bring greater hurt the next morning. I even managed to lift weights today.

Thirdly, I looked up bald eagle nest cameras online. This Pennsylvania pair has three (!) healthy nestlings. That’s a rare event.
When both parents are gone, one
eaglet always seems alert...

Do you follow any live webcams? Are there numerous raptors where you live?



  1. Being in pain is no fun. I'm glad you're feeling okay. I'm glad your husband is also on the mend.

  2. I'm glad you and hubby are doing better. It's hard when you're the only one doing all the necessary things that need doing.

    I don't follow any webcams anymore. I need to fix that.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Darla. Big hug. ♥

  3. Glad your hubby is doing better. I guess physical therapy is helping. Sorry you are having pains now. I don't follow any, but that one looks interesting. XO

  4. Hooray for less pain for the hubby but I hope you are doing okay. Those eagles are adorable.

  5. Dearest Darla,
    So glad to read that your husband's debilitating pain has subsided! What a relief that is—for both of you.
    With me now being the sole caretaker my thoracic spine area pain has intensified as I am forced to bend, stand and lift things... But I'm not taking anything. I'm lacking sleep and real rest but that too will one day end.
    No, we never have followed any life webcams due to lack of time!

  6. Glad to know that your husband is feeling a lot better. And also that your pain has also vanished. May be you should go slow and get back to regular heavy routine gradually.

  7. That bald eagle nest camera is pretty cool, Darla. We're glad both you and the hubby are feeling a little better and your pains aren't getting the best of you.

  8. Good to hear you husband's pain has subsided but sorry to hear about yours. The bald eagle nest is cool.

  9. It's good to hear that he is pain free and drives himself now. Sorry about your pain.

  10. I used to follow a couple of eagles many yra ago. Not lately, or not in forever! They are beautiful and it is fun to watch them. I got more into watching waves on beach cams!! lol.....relaxing. I love the sound. I love to lay back and close my eyes and listen to it. Glad hubs is doing better. I have been doing better but I am not on my stay awake meds since Feb. Staying awake and not napping all day is starting to get rough esp taking meds for allergies. This crap of being up and getting things done one day and being down the next is for the birds. Yesterday, I worked in and around the yard. I got the last three trees planted and two bushes. Also, went to storage and got a load of stuff to bring to the house. Going to close the storage out soon. But today, I have been laying around all day and sleeping off and on. SUCKS....


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