Saturday, November 4, 2023


Dandelion goes absolutely nuts over her fish toy. I purchased a second from Chewy after the string lost its elasticity, fearing it would get stuck wrapped tight around a limb. This happened to poor Luna back in the 1990’s and she never played with her squeaky mouse on a string after that.

Dani makes it very clear when she wants time with her fishy but apparently still doesn’t understand that sisters Terra and Polly only want to play fight. At least the paws exchanged haven’t drawn blood again, though Dandelion’s nose looks a bit scratched. 
Don’t the siblings sound like they mean deadly business? Do you agree that their white counterpart doesn’t act her supposed age (7 or 8!)?



  1. Those were fun videos and they sure were having a blast!

    1. It is an honor and joy to give them a safe, fun home. I've no doubt you agree. Be well!

  2. You got the moves Dandelion. :) The fight does look like they are mad. XO

  3. Some animals end up with such a good life. I thought cats continue to play in adulthood.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. We've never seen our cats this playful at seven or eight years of age. Luna, Tilly, and Jezebel tended to slow down. Perhaps Dandelion's former life never involved playtime or the youngsters have inspired her. Either way, it's a joy to see.

  4. Boy they DO sound like they mean business! I loved watching them though. Dandelion, I think my mommy loves you!

  5. Dearest Darla,
    Playful kitties are so much fun to watch. We have lots of videos from the siblings' action years—hilarious and full of humor. But at a certain age the playing is over with.
    Thanks for stopping by for Dido's post.


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