Friday, May 6, 2022

More First World Problems

On April 24th my husband asked if I’d spilled water near the bed. Half awake and remembering no such thing, I dismissed his complaint. Maybe one of the cats tried to toss up a hairball. But later I noticed the wetness spreading.

Quiet panic ensued. Had my 29 gallon aquarium sprung a leak? Every millimeter felt dry including outside the tank, inside its stand, and the surrounding carpet. The mystery continued and my pile of wet towels grew, as did a funky smell I wished was imaginary.

Around midweek my husband asked me to drain the tank and move my last surviving spotfin goby to my idling ten gallon aquarium. Fearing the move would be fatal, I stated my case and requested a reprieve. He agreed while asking that I apply a piece of tape showing the current water level.

I’m lucky to have a smart guy. A minuscule water drop led me to the electric pump I’d unplugged without removing its attached air hose. This created a vacuum.

Duh… By the next Sunday I’d dried and cleaned the stinky stain. Hurray! I thank Nature’s Miracle enzymatic cleaning solution.

On another note, I’m having issues online. My own blog declares I can’t sign in after having posted. ~scratches head~ Not surprising, this is the same error I receive trying to comment on others’ posts. I’ve tried various tips and even switched browsers but I’ll figure it out. I’m not dumb.

Still, other failings made me feel rather frustrated and useless. I found redemption when a neighbor needed a friend.

Have fruitless days left you feeling pointless? How do you recover a sense of self worth?



  1. Yes, nature abhors a vacuum. I haven't heard of your blogging problem so it is worth you persisting in finding out what is wrong. Tomorrow here is Mother's Day and we are lunching with my mother. I will feel it was a pointless day, for me at least.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. :D I hope you manage to enjoy your lunch after all.

  2. I'm sure glad you solved the water mystery without getting tanked along the way! Now, if you can just solve the blogger login thing.

    1. Nice pun. lol The login issue continues for now. ~sigh~

  3. Glad you found the stinky water leak. You rock.

    Some days I feel like I can conquer the world and other days I feel it a stretch to brush my teeth properly. You are not alone.

    Sorry you're having blog issues. I hate blog issues.

    Have a fabulous day. Happy Mother's Day. ♥

    1. You're very kind. ~hugs~ I hope you get treated like a queen tomorrow, which is well deserved every day of the year. :)

  4. I seeing a new comment pop up and after I click publish, sometimes it publishes the comment and sometimes it doesn't. I have no idea why. I feel pointless a lot of the time. I think its largely for me a result of having almost zero human to human contact. It can be difficult to generate all your own self worth. Although "self" worth, would make it seem it is my job.

    1. Please know, my dear, that my habits are erratic at best. I have comment monitoring set but forget to check. ~shakes head~ And you are worth more than a truckload of gold. :D

    2. You are so kind to me, Darla. I wish we lived closer.

    3. Me, too. ~hugs~ Take care, my dear.

  5. Even just a little water can cause a bit problem.

    The commenting problem is from Blogger. They switched the system, and there's a glitch. I notice it at work but not at home, so I can tell you what the problem is, but not how to fix it.

    For some reason, the "sign in" to Google/Blogger isn't working for you. That's the glitch. It won't work for me when I'm in Incognito Mode. If you have cookies switched off, that might be the same thing. (I use Incognito Mode at work so that I can log in as my home self rather than my work self.)

    If the blog has disallowed anonymous comments, you can't comment. Period. You have to be signed in.

    If the blog has anonymous comments, you can click on the little arrow next to the anonymous and it'll give you "Name/URL" and you can identify yourself that way. (That's how I've been doing it while at work.) Although, I see you figured that out already.

    However, if you switch up the comments on this blog so that one can't reply to each comment, it's still on the old system and will work just fine. It's the one where there's a popup box that comes up when you go to comment. I don't remember what it's called.

    I just hope that Blogger fixes this sooner rather than later. Because it's them. It's not us.


Hope you enjoyed stopping by and please drop a line. I love comments.

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