Thursday, November 30, 2023

Two Clarifications

I sure botched the wording about my most recent swim. The bodyguard didn’t stop to talk with me. Rather, he paused his walk halfway across the natatorium before our paths coincided. Rereading my words reminds me what a goofball I can be.

Ah, well.

As for my second point, I learned why our next door neighbor’s house is on the market. The couple split up. With their son long grown and moved away, the soon-to-be ex-husband doesn’t need all that space.

I always thought they were cute together. Many an afternoon I saw them take off on their motorcycle. And sharing a love of their two dogs makes me wonder if he kept his virtual shadow, aging little Maggie while she took her walking buddy Bruno. Couples throwing all their shared history out the window might be justifiable but makes me sad every single time.

Do you agree that children grown and gone seems to leave couples adrift? Is it not especially heartbreaking when the death of a child, whatever the cause, destroys a marriage?



  1. I really liked the couple at the end of block. They seemed the perfect little family. California transplants and had only lived here about two years when suddenly the young woman vanished with the two boys, who are preteen. The man walks the dog alone now and I see their cat in the window. I wonder if he'll move or stay. he couldn't rent around here for less than the mortgage. They're splitting. Another neighbor said she and the kids are now in Salem but I don't know. It made me so sad since they had two kids, chickens, a dog and a cat and seemed so happy and normal.

  2. It's a shame another couple bit the dust. That happens way too often.

  3. Children can't fix a broken relationship. Children leaving shouldn't break up a strong relationship. I'd assume there were cracks long before the kiddos left.

    1. So true. ~sigh~ This couple's son moved out years ago, so I don't get it.

  4. I've seen this many times. In fact hubbies ex told him to leave after their last child moved out on his own. Lucky for me, but very sad. I agree that it's a sad thing to throw a marriage away.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Darla. Big hug. ♥

  5. It is always sad to see couples split, more so when they have been together for a long time, but really, it is often for the best.


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