Monday, November 6, 2023

Fake Snake in the Grass, Another Bug, Not a Bug, & In the Doghouse After Checking on Our Friend

I went through a regretful phase in the nineties decorating my house Southwest US style. ~groan~ Most of it’s in storage but this clay rattlesnake, now relegated to summertime outdoors, was a flea market purchase. It once scared a grown man doing work in our basement.

As freezing weather approaches I’m bringing such breakable items into the garage. This fellow spent summer near the mailbox and when I moved it, I discovered a tagalong wooly bear underneath.

Why is an inchworm called any sort of bear?

After visiting our friend Phoenix, who is yet again in hospital, I saw this interesting berry laden plant. I found it quite beautiful.

I thought the pink berries were flowers at first glance...
Unfortunately, our friend got released from the rehabilitation facility on Sunday and then fell going into his home. Even three strapping nephews couldn’t keep him upright. He landed on the amputation site which has developed a hematoma. We can only hope he need not risk further surgery; time over the next day or two will tell. I tried insisting he stay with us for a while but he’s stubborn and independent.

As for being in trouble, I scraped a sharp curb on the way to see Phoenix. While I’m glad the tires weren’t destroyed my husband is angry about cosmetic damage. As I type toward twilight outside he hasn’t spoken to me since we left the hospital.

And while I’ve joked about losing a cat being the most egregious divorceable offense, Terra snuck outside while I started setting up my laptop. I’m so thankful she let me pick her up.

Why do you think “being in the doghouse” is an idiom for angering someone? Wouldn’t cuddling in a warm space with a family pet be preferable to getting the cold shoulder? And isn’t that another odd idiom?



  1. I hope your friend is okay and doesn't need more surgery.

    Yikes on being in the doghouse. I hate being in there.

    I'm glad Terra let you pick her up. You'd really be in the doghouse.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Big hug. ♥

  2. We hope Phoenix is okay too, that had to be pretty scary. I'm sure glad you got Terra!

  3. Most idioms are strange. Sorry about your tires. And sorry about your friend. It sounds like he's going through some things.

  4. Thank you. I've lost count of all his surgeries and follow-on complications over the decades.

  5. I'll have to lookup the "doghouse" one. My mother used to use that one alot. So glad Terra let you pick her up. I've popped tires twice on a curb.

    1. I guess a person would rather sleep inside. lol Don't you just hate sharp angled curbs?

  6. Sorry about your friend. Hope he gets some good news soon.

  7. Those are pretty flowers. He does look a little bear like. :) I am sorry about your friend. I hope he will be OK. Tell your hubby not to sweat the small stuff. XO

  8. We're sorry to hear about Phoenix as well. My dad says there was a time when he'd love to have had that rattler, but thankfully mom cured him of collection such stuff. For the most part. Oh, and he said to say that he knows aaaaaalll about being in the dog house, and honestly, like Ellen said above, mom seems to be learning to not sweat the small stuff. Dad scraped the side of the car once and though mom would flip, but she was more like, "oh well, it is getting older anyway. Whatever..." Made him happy.

  9. The pink berries really look like flowers. Sorry about your friend.


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