Monday, November 27, 2023

At the End of My Rope

Sorry for the misleading title. ~shakes head~ I couldn’t resist. And what another peculiar axiom.

Anyway, my father built three tall cat trees many years ago. They have gotten ragged over the decades but Dandelion has taken destruction to a whole new level. Sure, Polly and Terra dig into scratching posts. The cat my husband dubbed the One Fanged White Wonder has stripped some carpeted areas bald.

I knew it could be fixed with a length of rope. Failure to find what I wanted at Walmart and purchasing an unsuitable product from Amazon (it will be used as garden twine) led me to a proper hardware store. I looked everywhere except the back wall. ~rolls eyes~ After pointing it out, the older gentleman helped me measure twenty feet off a large spool.

By continuously wrapping I only
had two ends to secure...
Before he cut it I decided to make it thirty instead. And I scored a perfect fit. I didn’t even need staples or anything.

My father used a smaller rope as seen here...
Dad never quite understood feline behavior. His pristine rope demonstrates this. They prefer a wide base for claw sharpening and the destroyed carpet I replaced is accessible via a comfortably wide square perch. Dandelion loves both refurbished scratching spots.

Can you believe I picked the perfect length? My husband helped secure the end, barely visible at the very bottom of my image. Wasn’t he clever using the back of a hammer for leverage?



  1. Yep, once we settle in at the new place I need to re-rope the girls post. I also need to pick up the free standing post I pick up at 5 Below. These have been great cause neither one of my girls have never went for the furniture. Glad you tried the cake and liked it. I try to keep yellow cake mixes on hand, I think the yellow is the best, more moist I think. I need to run out and pick up some of that Feliway spray.....Lily is driving me nuts. She seems to be getting worse with Misty instead of better. Waking me at all hours doing that low deep ugly meow cause Misty is curled up next to me. Seems to happen every yr with fall turning to winter but with boxes and crap going on it seems to be worse this yr. I have had to lock her out of the bedroom the last few mornings;

    1. I'm sorry Lily is acting up. Best wishes and healing prayers, my dear.

  2. I so envy great pet parents who can do this. It isn't a brain buster, I know (what a turn of phrase!) but I feel certain I would manage to mess it up terribly.

    1. Believe me when I say I manage to mess up a lot. lol Hugs, my dear.

  3. Well done. You rock. You and hubby are wonderful kitty parents and keeping and fixing your dads cat trees is even better. You made me smile.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Darla. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to you. ♥

  4. It's nice that you were able to fix the issues. And it's a great feeling when you get just the right amount of rope.

    1. Thank you. This success shocked me, to be honest.

  5. So the rope end stays put, just tucked under tight? I sometimes use a fence staple at each end. I need to do the same thing and get another rope length at Home Depot. Carpet remnants these days even are so expensive. Rope is cheaper.

    1. I can hardly believe it worked this well. Having a second pair of hands at the end proved invaluable. Hugs and best wishes, my dear.

  6. It is nice to work on something with your partner without an argument and get things just right.

  7. I am impressed that you chose the right amount. And thank you for the reminder-- I bought some sisal to have the hubby repair some of our cat trees. XO

  8. You sure done good and the kitties are happy, bravo!


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