Monday, November 20, 2023

A Frog in a Box

Today my husband and I joked about how many missing items would be discovered whenever this house is demolished. Cat toys and treats would no doubt rank top of the list. Then he said something that made me burst out laughing.

“At least they won’t find a frog in a box.”

In case you’re not familiar, Loony Tunes released a cartoon in 1955 called “One Froggy Evening”. Only with my brief research did I learn the title. What a great pun on the cliché “one foggy night” as a novel’s opening line. Again I apologize, Liz, as I know you dislike puns. ~lowers head~ But here is the cartoon if you are interested.

Did you know cartoons once targeted adult audiences? Isn’t it a shame they are mostly distributed to sell toys?



  1. I am very familiar with that cartoon. I think we're of that age that gets all those Warner Bros references.

  2. Thanks for sharing. I had never seen that. XO

  3. Oh goodness, I remembe that cartoon too. They don't make them like the used to!

  4. The cartoons of my age did seem to be very adult.

    1. Television became a babysitter, didn't it? Now social media is even worse. ~sigh~ My husband has found even darker 1930's cartoons.

  5. I've not thought about it but yes, cartoons were more adult oriented back then.

  6. Dad says as much cartoon-watching as he did growing up he'd never even seen that one. Oh, and he said to tell you that some of my meows sound like the frog in that cartoon. I'm torn between giving him a good whap and just ignoring him as usual.


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