Sunday, November 26, 2023

Strolling Around My House

I have adored lichen and moss since childhood, always imagining teensy fairy abodes. Seeing some on our small retaining wall drew me over.

From there I walked down the southern slope gathering a few more images. Here I sensed that wabi-sabi aesthetic again.

Between these last two photos I am not quite sure which I like better. I suppose that the color is nice on this next. However, the last has its own, more unique visual interest.

Can you believe I looked up from studying the ground to discover prospective home buyers inspecting the property next door? I hope my praise of this neighborhood outweighed our rather peculiar introduction. But seriously, what are the odds?



  1. It's nice to enjoy your surroundings, no matter what prospective neighbors might think!

  2. I hope the prospective new neighbors were nice.

  3. We gathered some of those to make our fairy gardens. Only problem was the big spider that crawled out and scared my little nieces. XO

  4. Lol. You're getting new neighbors? I love the leaf photos. My new obsession is mushrooms/fungal spores growing to fruition.


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