Friday, November 3, 2023

My New Axiom – & – A Failed Creepy Farm Photo

I made the mistake of allowing Polly to lick my emptied cereal bowl one day. Now I can’t help thinking of that old proverb:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Only in my case it goes like this:

Let a kitty lick your bowl and you’ll never eat alone again.

She wanted my lunchtime lasagna so bad my husband said she went all Garfield on me. Poor thing didn’t understand it’s not good for her even after sniffing.

Once again, my picture does not do this justice...
Did you spot the horse in the above image? Aren’t I lucky to live surrounded by lots of farms?



  1. give uz a fishin poll, a pound oh wermz, N we can fish fora weekz werth oh chow ! hope everee onez doin grate πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™πŸŸ‼️

  2. I didn't notice the horse until I looked again. I have the same problem with cereal. Poor Brody will wait until I am done and be thrilled if I had Lucky Charms, but repulsed by Cin. Toast Crunch. XO

  3. What horse? Oh, so there is. You don't want farms too close and nor be downwind of the prevailing usual breezes.

  4. Kitties love to help at meal time! You're lucky to have those nice views. When we moved here there were horses and cows everywhere. They've all disappeared and have been replaced with houses and condos now, it's sad.

  5. Go Garfield on you. That's hysterical!

    1. My husband and I bonded over humor back in 1989 and it's the glue holding us together as we age. :D

  6. Your first mistake was admitting that your food can be consumed by cats. You can never go back. (Occasionally my roommate shares her potato chips with her dog. There's something funny/strange/disconcerting about hearing the crunch come from under the table.)

    1. Oh, I can imagine. lol My brother-in-law used to feed his dog off his fork during dinner. Even I wouldn't go that far.


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