Friday, December 1, 2023

Chilling at Home

I complained the other day about temperatures dropping from the fifties to mid thirty degrees Fahrenheit. As I type this on Tuesday the thermometer reads 26 at 12:55 and it’s expected to drop into the teens overnight.


Hence, my plan to go lift weights has been sidelined. I’m extremely fortunate that we don’t have to go anywhere right now.
I hope it will not need mowed again this year...
How long do you think it will take my lawn to realize it’s time to go dormant? Isn’t the vibrant green misleading?



  1. Its been way too cold way to early here!

  2. You should get some weights for your house. Then you won't have to go out to lift them. (Probably more expensive than that's worth.)

    1. I do have some. The equipment there is way more versatile. :)

  3. My yard went dormant i the summer.....when I stopped watering my flowerbed! I was so sick, I let things die down. We were sort of in a drought lately but yesterday and today, rain....yay. But my body is not liking it so much. Weights? Yep, I would not be able to lift any.

  4. That color makes me think its spring, if your day wasn't at 26 degrees. That's too cold. We just got over a cold snap that had us down in low 20's nights. Yikes, the electric bills to come over cold snaps across our country. Do you heat electric or oil or gas? Is it expensive there?

    1. We don't have access to gas or oil and my husband shops around for the best deal on electric whenever a contract is about to end. Without him handling the finances I would be lost. We're hoping the winter isn't too cold because summertime cooling is cheaper than heating. Stay warm, my dear.


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