Wednesday, December 27, 2023

My Latest Shopping Spree (Not)

Today I went shopping for pine nuts to make a Spanish glazed cod recipe. My husband asked me to also pick up some Bugle corn snacks. For some reason, that brand is never easy to find. This store stashed Bugles on a high shelf near bagged popcorn instead of in the chip aisle.

Photo from Walgreens convenience store/pharmacy website...

And it was a struggle for my short self to reach one of the two remaining bags. But I managed, and jokingly told my man that I knew he would have tossed me to the curb if I’d given up. I don’t understand why this General Mills product is so difficult to find here in the United States and no longer sold in Canada (something I just learned).

The whopping two other items in my cart were an unexpected discovery, chocolate covered cherries at fifty percent off. My husband looked at a box before Christmas and decided they weren’t worth the cost. Other folks must have felt the same because there must have been hundreds of the milk chocolate variety available.

The cherry cola flavor caught my interest...

In fact these proved a better deal than expected, the regular price being almost $4 (USD) while I paid under $1 (!) for each box of ten candies. I suppose the extraordinary excess inventory explains this. Maybe, if he likes these as much as his preferred dark chocolate cordials I should buy more. Why they were not advertised as such is another mystery.

Did you know Bugles were introduced in 1966 alongside two counterparts called Whistles and Daisy*s? Wouldn’t the flower shaped ones be fun, and even better than cones for dipping?

I found this on a fun website...



  1. My mother loved chocolate cover cherries and I always got her a box or two during the holidays. Never heard of those corn chips, but I'm not surprised since you have a hard time finding them.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Darla. Big hug. ♥

    1. Your mother raised a very sweet daughter. ~hugs~ Be well, my dear.

      - Darla

  2. My partents always had chocolate covered cherries at holiday time too. Of couse I would love to eat a whole box now that I can't have chocolate.

    1. I'm sorry you can't have chocolate any more. ~hugs~ One piece is plenty for me. lol Best wishes!

      - Darla

  3. My great niece loves Bugles. I find them at The Dollar Tree. We bought a box of 40 chocolate cherries- same brand at Walmart yesterday for $5. :) XO

  4. Were those Christmas candies? Weird that the Bugles are so hard to find.

    1. At least here in Ohio, boxed candies are common holiday gifts. :) I imagine there's some financial reason regarding Bugles. But what that could be is beyond me.


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