Saturday, December 9, 2023

My “Peaceful” Walk in the Woods

This morning I decided to get some fresh air out in nature, and even found a new park to explore. Almost immediately I heard sirens wailing. This went on for over fifteen minutes.

I kept hoping they would stop. When rain began falling I headed back to my car. Normally I would have fetched my umbrella. Instead I left, half sick wondering what horrible thing was happening. Finally things quieted. And at this three way stop sign I had to wait as numerous emergency vehicles passed.

The trailer was covered in holiday lights. Now I understood the disturbingly loud Christmas music I’d heard blaring. ~sigh~ It must have been a nearby holiday parade.

What says Merry Christmas more than making it sound like an entire neighborhood’s burning down? At least I have lots more to explore, right?



  1. Yes, ya gotta wonder where the emergenh

    1. I actually say a brief prayer upon hearing sirens. ~rolls eyes~ Best wishes!

  2. I am totally TOTALLY with you in that!!!

  3. Yikes. That's annoying. Glad it was just a parade and not something terrible.

  4. We hear sirens all the time here. Ambulances, cops and fire trucks. I say a prayer too.

    Have a fabulous weekend. Big hug. ♥

  5. Just another example of the excesses of Christmas. Signed, E. Scrooge.

    1. Thanks for making me laugh, Andrew. We need all we can get in these dark times.

  6. A parade is better than an emergency. Our town has Santa on a firetruck the day after Thanksgiving. XO

    1. I agree. Do they need sirens, though? Hugs, my dear.

  7. A Chrismas parade! That's better than a bad accident or house fire at least. The pond in the rain is pretty, relaxing, except for the sirens.

  8. hay...due knot forget when santy clawz showz up in de easturrr
    parade !!! :) ♥♥


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