Friday, April 15, 2016

M is for Mindless Self Indulgence

Anyone who knows me at all hears me talk about Marilyn Manson. And while you should check out the music if you’re unfamiliar, I decided to talk about a band fewer folks know. My partner discovered Mindless Self Indulgence years ago while I shopped shirts at a Hot Topic store. The album cover for "Another Mindless Rip Off" caught his eye, to be sure (see at bottom). As I will revisit in my post for the letter P, they are a hoot to witness live, with the lead singer actually teasing their own fans in a good humored way. During one show we sat in the balcony in padded recliners and learned later that my niece risked her life in the mosh pit.

Mildew is the name of today’s mock group. No doubt you have long since figured out that I lean toward music that is an antithesis to pop culture, perhaps even subversive. So these guys might actually open for Marilyn Manson, who I imagine inspired Mildew's lyricist/bass player to first pick up a notebook and a guitar. ~grin~

By the way, I realized today that Mindless Self Indulgence has a highly processed sound that I usually don't care for but they somehow make it work for me. Maybe because it's so over-the-top.



  1. I've just listened to several tracks by Mindless Self Indungence- Shut Me Up had me bouncing in my chair! They are so reminiscent of 70's punk which I loved. Terrific!

    *You will find an M word you quite like in my story today!

    'Bliss': a short story with 4 neglected M words

    1. I'm so happy! You've made my day, in part by including "mellifluous" in your story for M. So kind of you take my suggestion of a favorite word, my friend. I hope you're having a lovely day!

  2. I get rather excited when I see band tshirts! :) You mentioned the letter P, Darla. I didn't quite get that!

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my post today! Hugs!

    1. That's neat, Vidya. I should photograph and share my numerous Marilyn Manson shirts. Your post was awesome as always, my friend. You really inspire me.

      And silly me, I mentioned the letter P when we haven't yet gotten there. I'm so silly sometimes. Best wishes!

  3. I don't mind your taste for music being different at all and I truly mean that. My horizon has stretched once more by reading your blog. I've learned something about a genre of music that I tended to shun. Stay true to yourself. I am enjoying this.

    Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

    1. You are so kind. The encouragement is a true blessing and brightens an already wonderful day. Thank you! I have to tell you that I put my iPod on shuffle today and really enjoyed Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (#14 for piano) while finishing my workout. What a lovely way to slow down. Shalom, my dear.

  4. I tend to like old school subversive, like Public Enemy, Rage Against the Machine, and NIN. I do like some Marilyn Manson tho.

    1. Oh, these are excellent groups you mention. And I must add that my tastes range pretty widely to include many classical pieces and big names like Johnny Cash and Bon Jovi. Of the latter, I own almost all of their studio albums, which might surprise some people. ~grin~ I hope you're having a lovely day!

  5. My brothers and I listened to Marilyn Manson just to shock my highly conservative parents. MSI isn't bad. Shut Me Up video is good! I do see what you mean by processed music. Sounds like the band is synthesized.

    1. Thank you for the kind word! From your blog post today for M, I don't blame you for wanting to shock your parents. The urban myths surrounding the man turned me off for years, during my own yuppie/conservative phase. Thank heaven I overcame that! ~grin~ Be well, my dear.

  6. Ah have never heard of them. Will go check them out on YouTube.

    1. It's so kind of you to stop by, Corinne. I'm so glad to have met you last April. I enjoyed your recent post on Everyday Gyaan even though you haven't been able to participate this year. Folks should check you out at <a href="</a> Blessings to you and yours!

  7. Mindless Self Indulgence is a great band name. I'll check them out just because of that.

    1. Thank you, Liz. It's nice of you to stop by and leave a kind word. I hope you're having a wonderful day and enjoy what you find.

  8. Mildew is such a great name for a band! :)

    1. Thank you! This has made for some fun imaginings. Be well, my dear.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, my dear. I hope you are well. Thank you for stopping by! Sorry it took me so long to find your kindly comment.


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