Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Strays – A Movie Review

When my friend Scars and I went to see “Evil Dead Rise” (which I enjoyed immensely) the cinema showed a trailer for a live action/animated film called “Strays”. I laughed and laughed, vowing to go see it. Scars wasn’t available to go this morning, but my husband agreed.

This is from a Today Show clip...

Well, I laughed myself stupid. But I was alone. My man almost fell asleep and an older couple actually left a short way into the film. I’d rather have waited for Scars or even gone alone.

This does prove my theory that I have a seventeen-year-old boy’s sensibilities residing in an aging woman’s brain. lol The raunchy humor, despite overly excessive swearing, suited my inner child.

Do you have a juvenile side? Have you ever attended a film screening solo?



  1. I have a juvenile side. I've never attended a film screening solo.

    Have a fabulous day. Hugs. ♥

  2. I have that side too, it shows up too often. I refuse to go to the movie theatres here, the cellphone use is long out of control and you really can't watch a movie.

    1. My juvenile side is under a thin veneer. lol Being retired, I like going to the earliest showing.

  3. Yeah, I saw the ads for this and thought, "Not for me". I'm glad you liked it, though. I have been to movies alone. It's weird the first time you do it, but it gets easier the more you go. Worth it if you want to see the film but you can't get someone to go with you.

    1. I started going to movies and eating out alone when my husband traveled for his job.

  4. I absolutely have a juvenile side...I guess being in a more man's type of job and working with them for years has simmered that silliness in me to a full rolling boil.

  5. I saw a trailer for Strays and it stated not for children. Lol, guess all the swearing and bad humor.

  6. Honey, I have been divorced for 31 yrs and yes, i do attend things alone, and I like it also.

  7. Never attended a movie solo, but I am quite juvenile. :) Sorry I am so late visiting. XO

    1. No worries. I'm always behind, it seems. lol Hugs to you and yours, my dear.


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