Put simply, the above diagrammed dietary recommendations that I grew up with were designed for food shortages. Now that I have type II diabetes, I know a balanced diet should be low in carbohydrates.
A few years back my brother and his wife went on the paleo diet resembling what ancient hunter/gatherers ate and felt healthier for the difficult changes. Now the more stringent carnivore diet eliminates all plant based foods.
Giving up meat and becoming vegetarian or vegan isn’t happening. But I just devoured leftover pizza, and sure I have some regret, but no way are my husband or I throwing fruit and vegetables out the door.
Can you believe I
As a bonus for the curious, the following video is a clip from “Clone High”, a science fiction adult animated series. Wow. Say that three times fast. Anyway, here is an animated Marilyn Manson singing about the food pyramid.