Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Resisting Temptation

Like my mother did, I adore tiny things. I’ll go so far as to say I geek out over them. And while these ‘fairytale’ pumpkins are not small I really, really wanted some. Three would have been ideal surrounded by miniatures. ~sigh~ My resistance felt like a win and the garden center folks didn’t seem to mind me taking pictures.

If these were fake, I would own at least a few,
though not for $20 (USD) each...



  1. Those are nice pumpkins. Tiny pumpkins seem to be everywhere lately. (I found the cutest amigurumi pattern for a tiny dragon. I was going to link to it, but I'm at school and the school wifi won't let me.)

    1. Oh, you know I'd be all over owning a tiny knitted dragon. lol And the tiny pumpkins are everywhere but not cheap, especially when I probably couldn't harvest any seeds.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes. I'm going to see if seeds are available. That would be awesome if I could grow some of my own.

  3. I am with you and would not spend that much on something that won't keep long. XO


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