Saturday, October 28, 2023

Resilience in the Face of Misfortune

Our friend Phoenix has once again landed in hospital. Another surgery meant to repair circulation in his right leg failed. Alas, doctors saw no option other than amputation.

On our way to visit him yesterday my husband and I followed a young man and little boy through the corridors for a bit. We joked about being lost. When we two finally found the correct room tucked in a corner, the others were already inside. They happen to be our friend’s nephew and great nephew. It was a joy meeting them.

Even better, the entire family seems to share our rather dark sense of humor. After a discussion over his health insurance and prosthetic limb options, it was decided that he would end up with a peg leg. So, his nephew stopped at a Halloween shop and bought pirate costume accessories.

His nephew is supporting Polly parrot...
The unfortunate man is suffering phantom limb syndrome. Whenever walking, he feels the old pain in his right foot. The worst is when he wants to cross his legs, he said. But his main complaint was that the missing knee had been replaced. A nurse is actually lobbying for the metal joint returned to him but I can’t imagine that one can be used on his left leg. My Internet search didn’t turn up any answers.

Have you heard of mirror therapy for his syndrome? Can you think of a reason other than money that this non-invasive, drug-free treatment is a last resort?



  1. I saw a video on mirror therapy. It was unbelievable.

    1. The mind is amazing, whether to our benefit or detriment. Best wishes, my dear.

  2. I am sorry your friend lost his leg. It sounds like he has a positive outlook though which is good. I knew a blogger, Timmy Tomcat's dad who suffered from phantom pain for years and was on painkillers. Sadly, he passed away 2 years ago of something non related to his orginal accident that took his leg. XO

  3. Amputation is not fun. I'm glad they have a sense of humor about it all. And don't even get me started on the state of medical insurance in this country. It's way past time we do single payer.

    1. They say humor is the best medicine. But it's more a supplement, isn't it?

  4. OMC, so so sorry for your friend. But the spirit is there, that's for sure and to laugh at having a pirate

  5. He's an amazing dude I'm proud to call a friend.

  6. That's sad about him losing a leg but he does have a good outlook and that will go a long way.

  7. I don't know about mirror therapy. A friend recently had a below the knee amputation and he is doing very well.

  8. So sorry to hear your friend lost his leg. He looks to be positive about the situation.. wishing him well.


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