Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Random Joys in Troubled Times

Humans have forever been warlike but it’s hard to believe we haven’t moved beyond it. Meanwhile, my husband thinks bearing witness is a duty. He’s a good man, while weaker me sometimes wishes for blissful ignorance and that the twenty-four hour news cycle didn’t exist.

So I drown my sorrows in beautiful and often silly things. A few seemed worth sharing. The first is absolutely under the silly category.

My chalk kitty has an ear tipped in honor of
all you TNR heroes out there...

I have a Halloween decoration inside that shows partway through the glass, so that was my template. Reflected from the yard is my giant pumpkin a friend made for us probably two decades ago.

My $1 Walmart mum survived winter '22-'23 in our garage!

A neighboring tree left this upon my hellebores...

My two solar water features have been set up again since the weather is nice. While not a pretty display, I still enjoy it on these lingering warm days. As a bonus, it draws insects for me to observe.

Did you know butterflies and bees sip on mud for the minerals?



  1. We are alike on looking at silly and beautiful things rather than the warlike humans that are everywhere. I'm with you.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Darla. Big hug. ♥

  2. I do that same with silly things. I love your cat. :) And your mum- very impressive you kept it alive over the winter. XO

  3. Mud? Really? Interesting.

    I can't bear witness to atrocities. It makes me physically ill. So, in the interests of self-preservation, I'm limiting my news intake.

    1. Life is interesting, at least when preservation is involved. ~sigh~ Be well, my dear.

  4. I love your water fountain displays. They're so peaceful. AND THANK YOU for the eartipped black kitty tribute!! Made me smile!


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