Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Welcome to the Neighborhood

After reading Andrew’s post about nice neighbors I decided to share my latest experience. This past Monday evening I sat outside enjoying the night air when the newest homeowner next door called out, “I have some things for you.”

She offered two rather expensive items I could very well use but tried to decline. I conceded after hearing about her online auction addiction. She bids on unnecessary things just for the rush of getting cheap purchases. That knowledge and trading a few jars of homemade pickles made me feel better. Now I have a lovely garden arch and giant patio umbrella needing assemblage.

This event happened after my recent effort to cheer up a woman who lives a few blocks over. I walked over carrying a cute, smiling, cartoonish anthropomorphic sunflower complete with green arms and legs. Upon receipt of my silly gift, she began weeping.

The stories of mistreatment by some neighbors and even her own family break my heart. Sometimes they sound unbelievable. I stopped by today on my way home upon spotting her and her husband outside. Like me, she works hard doing yard work and I wanted her to know about my recently purchased handy weeding tool.

This made yanking weeds a hundred times faster and easier;
I think the handle on my Amazon purchase is longer...
Aren’t good neighbors a tremendous gift? And do you believe in Karma?



  1. Dearest Darla,
    You were very lucky with those neighbors and also for making that woman from a few blocks over happy with a gift.
    In Dutch we have a saying: A good neighbor is worth more than a distant relative.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Wonderful neighbors is a blessing indeed. We have wonderful neighbors here that look out for each other. It's as it should be.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, my friend. Hugs. ♥

    1. I'm so glad for you, my friend. :D Best wishes and hugs.

  3. Definitely, Darla, good and kind neighbors are a blessing. Very nice of you to have helped the lady a few blocks away. When we are good to others, others will be good to us. Take care.

    1. I wish kindness was always reciprocated. ~sigh~ But this community of bloggers gives me hope. :) You take care, as well, and I wish you and yours all the best.

  4. Having bad neighbors is the pits, that's for sure.
    When even a little bit of kindness is offered, however, it can make all the difference.

  5. Big believer in karma. That is a cool new tool. I need to look into one for my hubby. We are blessed with good neighbors which is a switch from the ones I had growing up. I would love to be your neighbor. XO

    1. I'd enjoy having you next door, as well. :D Hugs, my dear.

  6. Yes, good neighbors are such a blessing. One of our best just moved away and we were sad to see them go.

    1. I feel for you and hope someone nice moves in. :)

  7. The are terrific sentiments. I fear I am more on the receiving end than giving, but then I think back to when I was much younger, we did a lot for elderly neighbours.

    1. I've no doubt you've been a wonderful neighbor. :D Best wishes!

  8. That is a cool tool. Is that a Japanese weeding tool? When I was looking at yard tools online might have seen that one. Yes, good neighbors are a fabulous gift!

    1. Ooh, I'm not sure the origin of this tool's design. You've got me curious now. :) I wish we were neighbors, my dear.

  9. You lucked out with a neighbor. Commendable of you to cheer up someone who apparently didn't.


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