Thursday, June 27, 2024

This Woman Groomed the Tiniest Poodle in the World

This video is not short but I couldn’t resist sharing. Feel free to just enjoy the opening.

Do you tend to notice that men often walk the tiniest pooches while women often have more massive pets? Do you think it’s a security issue for a lone female out walking?



  1. Oh, really tiny! I haven't noticed if men walk tiny pets and women the bigger ones. I should check that out.

    1. My husband and I are amused by this trend. Be well!

  2. Don't know anything about the doggo world, other than the few that I see when out walking in my 'hood.

  3. My goodness, that sure is some wee pup!

    1. I hope they don't suffer a short life span. Best wishes!

  4. Cute little pup. I didn't watch the whole thing, but what I saw was sweet. Around here, everyone I see with dogs has big ones. XO

  5. Cute. As for walking dogs, I have to disagree. While I do see women with large dogs and men with smaller ones, I also see the opposite. One guy in our complex has two poodles that are absolutely huge (when I call them ponies I'm only exaggerating a little). And the dog I walk daily is only 12 pounds.


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