Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Garden Update

Thanks to all for the well wishes and suggestions for my pumpkin growing adventure. One developing fruit appears super healthy and a little larger (!) every day.

I wonder when the blue skin will become evident...

To my delight, more and more female flowers are appearing on the two largest plants. The fact I started everything but our Swiss chard from seed makes this season even more special.

Cool, huh?

My netting has been protecting the plants overnight. Finished eating a farmers market cantaloupe I tossed the rind into the backyard jungle as compensation to our deer.

Every morning I get to see adorable little bees marching upward to freedom. It never fails to make me smile.
Isn’t it neat that we have a pollinator named after the insects’ favorite pollen source? Do you think the bees wake up as if they’d been on an alcoholic bender, wondering where they are and why they never made it home?



  1. Dearest Darla,
    That looks quite happy and healthy!
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Did the deer enjoy the cantaloupe rinds?

    1. I imagine they did; I literally flung them over a ten foot retaining wall into dense vegetation. lol Thanks for asking.

  3. A lot of bees. Don't get too close!

    1. Lucky for me, they are very docile, though I do make sure I don't pinch any through the netting.

  4. Hard to say about the bees, I do wonder if the pollen has an affect on them in anyway. Like catnip to the cats! lol....oh the things we dream up. Growing pumpkins, nice. Those vines take up a lot of space, don't they? A friend next door to me years ago dropped seeds when cleaning out the Halloween pumpkin, they ended up growing between our driveways. I had to push the vines out to the driveway everyday. Julie (wedding venue) learned tule material over the flowerbeds at night, kept the deer from eating her plants. Anything you gotta do, if it works. use it.

  5. That's adorable, the march of the bees.

  6. Bless you and your patience, my friend. That's a pretty cool video of those bees, too. I hope you have a safe, cool and wonderful Fourth of July celebration.


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