Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Neighborly Neighbors

Blogger friend Pam kindly nudged me on never having posted about something I had essentially promised. So here are a few examples. A young couple bought the house next door and they are both sweet as the day is long. 

The dear lady is rather addicted to an online auction site, bidding on items more for the rush of winning than purchasing things they need or especially want. She gifted me a restaurant quality patio umbrella and this cool garden arch.

Her husband said they like how I used colored duct tape on the support bars, as well as my solar powered neon flamingos...

The gal across from us gives me things from their salvaging expeditions, like an entire box of artificial sweetener. One of her friends is equally kindhearted. The other day she ran over and gave me a mummified garden gnome plushy.

By the way, I am having format issues, so let me ask here what I should name this fellow. And have you ever seen Halloween themed gnomes?



  1. Dearest Darla,
    It is nice to have kind neighbors!
    That arch looks good and your flamingos are a smart thing.
    The gnome is not so my thing, neither are Halloween things.

    1. Kind neighbors are a true blessing. I'm sorry that you aren't a fan of Halloween, as my posts often address such matters. I respect your aversion and wish you all the best. Hugs, my dear.

    2. Remember Darla, we are immigrants and did not grow up with it... Also due to our international work we have a hard time justifying all the money spent and trash created for all those commercially invented things to do. We have seen too much poverty! 💞

    3. Your commendable work earns my highest, humble esteem. ~nods~ My husband and I also hate waste and I keep decorations long after they are tattered, worn, or in the case of lighted items the electrical wiring stops functioning. The nice thing about Halloween is that ragged items fit the season. ~grin~ Blessings and hugs, my dear.

      - Darla M Sands

  2. It's wonderful having great neighbors. We have them here too.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Hugs. ♥

  3. You have nice neighbors! I'd name that fellow Wise Whisker Will.

  4. Having nice neighbours is a wonderful thing to have. The alternative can make your life a misery.

    1. Wise words; and we've been there when we lived in a nice apartment under a-holes. That experienced spurned us into taking on a home mortgage in 1994. Be well!

  5. Oooh, you're getting all sorts of goodies.

  6. Gnomey looks as if he is wearing light color pjs. Or at least that is what I see since his dress is so light color. cute he would be dressed for Halloween. Maybe dye or paint his clothes? It's nice when you have people around that like to gift you with things. My problem, I would always see a reason I would need so I would take what they would give....hence the reason I ended up giving TONS of stuff away when I moved this last time. Trying to not go around buying things cause I like them now, since I don't have those types of neighbors....Sorry for the nudge.

    1. Don't apologize for the nudge! It's appreciated. And he's wrapped in gauze as a mummy. lol Hugs, my dear.

  7. How pleasant it must be to have nice neighbors, and to gift you such items! Dad says he's leery of people like that.Years ago he and an ex had an employee who was constantly giving them free stuff, but then things turned dark and ugly and this person kept hounding them- stalking, almost- for favors. Dad also muttered that he can think of a few people he'd like to see turned into gnomes. No additional info provided.

  8. I'm sorry for such rough encounters. Not all my neighbors seem particularly stable but so far we've been okay. :) Has your dad seen "Phantasm"? That and the sequel are two favorite horror movies. And people get squished! Isn't that cool? Hugs to you and yours, my dear.

    - Darla M Sands

    PS I'm sorry for my inability to sign in. I can't even do it on Firefox.


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