Friday, August 2, 2024

Bargain Finds – Flowers and Fungi

I know not everyone enjoys the taste/texture of mushrooms. My husband and I adore all varieties. Shiitakes are a favorite for cooking but tend to be expensive.

Growing in My Yard; I Dare Not Taste It

To our joy, we found shiitakes sold for a reasonable price at the international Jungle Jim’s market in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Dried versions in a distant aisle were even less expensive by weight. However, we were happy with our fresh, more familiar find in the produce section.

While he ordered lunch at the indoor sandwich shop I went to wash my hands and found a ridiculous markdown on cut flowers. Originally priced at $7.99 (US), these bunches were being offered at 99 cents each. Petals fell off as I trimmed stems and put the flowers in a vase but they remain festive.
They had been painted, of course...

Do you think any average person nowadays could justify spending eight dollars for something so ephemeral? And are your local stores having huge sales on items they can’t sell otherwise?



  1. Dearest Darla,
    Shiitake has been Pieter's and also my favorite!
    The dried version is not the same as good quality fresh.
    Oh, our yard is full of mushrooms right now, due to all the rain this summer! Still waiting for having our wood garden dried out so the underbrush can be cut and the huge downed tree removed...
    Mariette + Kitties

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions. Blessings on your heart healing. Hugs, my dear.

    2. My heart is okay though. Had a tear in the aorta due to being hit by a car while on my E–Bike...

  2. We always enjoy mushrooms here too, yum!

  3. the nurseries here are selling perineal at half price. my mom
    picked up a few. the rabbits gave it half a day and ate them down to the spoil….😼😼😼 roots and all on one

  4. Everything is so expensive. Glad you found the mushrooms you like.

  5. That's about AU$12, not a bad price for a nice and healthy bunch of flowers. Clearly yours weren't but you can't go wrong for $1.
    I don't like mushrooms, so nothing to add about them, although picking them is quite good fun.

    1. My maternal grandfather was a master at finding edible chanterelle mushrooms that sell for big bucks these days. My late mom and I could never master the art, sad to say, but a former coworker made family trips around harvesting them. Be well!

  6. Whenever I see mushrooms, I always think how great it would be for a pizza to be underneath them.

  7. The Hubby has a particular vendor at the farmer's market for mushrooms, and another favorite for produce.
    Have taken a mushroom foraging class, and it's fun to get out to look around.


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