Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Cute Visitor to My Yard

Warning: if crickets give you the creeps, give this three second video below a skip. Should I have named this little critter Jiminy?






  1. Dearest Darla,
    No, such crickets don't give me the creeps!
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. I don't mind looking at them, but the sound annoys me. :) XO

  3. I've hardly ever seen one sitting still, even for three seconds!

  4. What if it is a girl cricket? Jemima?

  5. You got him? Wow. I hear them, but I can never find them. (There was one in a classroom I was in for a few days, and the chirping was annoying.)

  6. I always enjoyed their summer chirping.

  7. I thought I commented on this already but I guess I did crickets don't creep me out but like I said before, I rather fish with worms! lol.....I have so many little critters in my new yard, crickets being one. Flying grasshoppers, butterflies, months, June bugs, snakes...etc and the adventure keeps on appearing daily!. I for one love the lizards! Snakes, not so much but only cause I can't tell what is bad and what is not, and I am not going to get close enough to check the heads out. As for crickets, like I said, I have them, but since I don't fish anymore, I don't mess with them. But the grasshoppers are cool cause I thought they were pretty much a thing of the past, have not seen a lot in the last few yrs. Same with June Bugs......okay, so totally off the subject of crickets! lol

  8. Thanks for sharing your experiences! Hugs, my dear.

  9. cricketz make a my tee tastee snax…they like
    ta hop inn side de garage N hope they can hope
    out bee for one iz hangin out de side oh me jaw 😺😺😺😺‼️πŸ’™πŸŸ

  10. I think that is a nice name for the guy

  11. I never managed to actually see them.

  12. Thanks for the heads up.. I am not a fun of any insects.


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