Thursday, August 22, 2024

Garden Duty

As the title suggests, gardening has kept me busy, both outdoors and in the kitchen. Starting vegetables from seed has proven a huge success and provided the joyous challenge of preservation. It’s also a pleasure sharing with those who often reciprocate in their own way.

(More on neighborlyness later)

My pumpkin plants are doing well. However, it didn’t occur to me that last year’s squash bug infestation would emerge from the same plot for a similar feast. ~shakes head~ The following video shows one silly misadventure.

The yield continues being awesome. There are more tomatoes, peppers, and pumpkins coming to fruit.

I am happy these innards are not stringy...

... as seeds were easily separated for roasting.

I harvested my second blue pumpkin today. It’s being left to cure/dry in our cool cellar.


Did you know pumpkins are really difficult to hand process for foodstuff? Do you think I should save all the next for display?


  1. Dearest Darla,
    Congrats on such majestic looking pumpkins!
    Quite a job from seed to roasted seeds...
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Do you want to display them? Or would you rather eat them? I think you should do with them what brings you joy.

    1. Thanks! I think they can be displayed and eaten later.

  3. LURV toasted pumpkin/gourd seeds!
    Could eat 'em year round.

    1. I'd share if it were feasible. :D

      - Darla M Sands

  4. The pumpkin is so cool looking and you sure have a nice garden!

  5. Beautiful blue pumpkins. I hope the seeds are tasty. We used to grow some hull-less ones that were good. XO

    1. Hull-less seeds seem like a real treat! These seeds are pretty good. Hugs, my dear.

  6. What a beautiful color pumpkin, and so nicely shaped. Great job. As for the bugs, I would not have thought to look out for that myself. It's a battle with elements and critters. I did not have anything eating on my tiny two stalk cherry maters, and they were good, only tiny and they don't yield many, esp at the same time. Not sure that I will do those again. But I do love popping them in my mouth and eating it in one bite. I can't do the growing from seed, I have to start with plants, guess they don't get enough of the love they need from me to get started well.

    1. My husband bought equipment for seed starting which I only took on this early spring. Be well, my dear, and thanks for the kind words.

  7. That is a beautiful unusual pumpkin

  8. Those blue pumpkins are so cool, Darla. Mom and dad love fresh roasted seeds, and dad says that if he could get away with it without mom knowing, he'd salt the sh*t out of them, too.

  9. waiting on the rest of the story on the neighborlyness


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