Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Pumpkins – & – Lucy the Octopus

As our growing season winds down I’m happy to have harvested four Jarrahdale pumpkins. They are more gray than blue but much like those seen at a garden center last autumn. These last three will be indoor décor until winter, when I’ll process them for foodstuffs.

I would be devastated if some prankster smashed these...


I’ll make an effort to display them through a front window. Meanwhile, I hope to try growing more colors as shown below. The one problem is having enough space for their vines. My husband joked about buying a patch of farmland and I am starting to think we should look into it.
I could buy 3 packs of seeds for the cost of 1 of these...

Before processing my first one, Terra had to investigate. In other words, she decided to provide an adorable photo bomb.
“I’m all you need for fall decoration, Mom.”

Last but not least, here is a video my husband discovered. If you think octopuses are creepy, feel free to skip. They sure are smart. It’s a true shame most species only live two years.

Does your area provide community garden spaces? Should I see if any neighbors would be willing to invest in some land?



  1. Your pumpkins are amazing! WOW, I didn't know octopuses wanted to interact like that, it's pretty darn cool.

    1. You're amazing, too. ~hugs~ Be well!

  2. Well done with the pumpkins. It is also a revelation to me that octopi interact like that.

  3. Dearest Darla,
    Kudos to you for growing such perfect pumpkins.
    You had me laugh out loud at what your husband said! Guess you're still very young for having such ambitions.
    But it is hard work and how do you cover them all?!
    Lucy the octopus sure is smart and not creepy at all.
    Terra looks like feeling a tad neglected by all those pumpkins soaking up your attention and energy...
    Mariette + Kitties

    1. His ambitions at eight years older than my 55 tend toward eating what I grow/process/cook. ~grin~ But he buys me good tools, so I won't complain. And Terra Dactyl is who I call "Chief Inspector" and her sister Polly Dactyl is "Deputy Inspector" while newest edition older Dandelion steers clear. Heh... Be well!

  4. Nice pumpkins and Terra is the perfect Halloween decoration. I love octopuses. I had looked into getting one as a pet, but when I read how short their lives are, I changed my mind. My town doesn't have a community garden, but the next town over does. XO

  5. That would be cool if you could find a community space to grow some pumpkins. Those came out great.

  6. How will you eat them? Like any pumpkin? I wonder how they will taste. And then you roast the seeds and maybe save some to plant next year?

    1. These are delicious, we discovered, after I cooked the first of four. Three more heritage breeds look uniquely beautiful and also tasty. My enthusiasm for spending $25 on seeds was curbed upon acknowledging my limited space. lol You should look up the Black Kat specimen, my dear. But I plan to do as you suggest and plant these again, both seeds purchased and those saved. We shall see... Best wishes!

  7. Pumpkins of blue or gray or whatever, cool. But how awesome is Lucy?! My gosh, it looks like she enjoys riding as much as I do, and the way she's so mobile! Though dad's pretty sure mom likely wouldn't even want to watch the video, nevermind let him get one, now dad says he wants an octopus. I'm thinking a nice squiggly lunch? Hmmm....

  8. It sounds like you've had a successful pumpkin harvest! Those Jarrahdale pumpkins are such a unique and beautiful variety. I love the idea of using them as décor before turning them into something delicious. As for expanding your growing space, a community garden or even collaborating with neighbors to invest in some land sounds like a fantastic idea.

    1. Thanks! Be well, my dear.

      - Darla M Sands

  9. My thoughts, it would be hard to pull other folks together for a garden, I would think. Reasons, get some that will be excited over it, but then for some reason or another, they can't keep it up, can't work it. Or those that would rather from the beginning, want to sit and reap the rewards. Then, who would the garden fall back on? Yep, I pretty much don't have a lot of faith in people. Now, if you are wanting to grow more colors,you will need land. Those vines really take over, don't they? Is this your first time to grow them? GREAT JOB! I really love that you did not start with the standard orange ones. In my family, my hood, and life in general, we were introduced to the orange and life never took us from that till I was older. I always stuff with the orange ones though, I guess basically cause the orange reminds me of fall and Halloween. As for the octopus, I think they are so cool to watch, they move so easy through water. I watch videos of them on line. I think they are cool. But I also read that they have no brain, but without that, how would they survive life, wouldn't have to have one to even move?

  10. Thank you for the kind comments. I tried growing pumpkins decades ago, before converting some of the front yard into vegetable space, and had zero luck. Thus, I am very happy. Be well!

  11. Those pumpkins are beautiful. We saw something about if you bury your smashed up pumpkin with seeds and all more pumpkins would sprout the coming year. We did and within days the deers and squirrels dug it up and feasted on it.

  12. lookin my tee gorgoeuz terra ( think my original comment here is in spam space ?? ) ♥♥ oh, and yes, the "foli age consumption" by the hares, was true....not much around here stays safe; that was at cuzin boomer and daiz' house ~~~


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